Re: More about l`Hopital`s rule
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg24571] Re: [mg24560] More about l`Hopital`s rule
- From: Andrzej Kozlowski <andrzej at>
- Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 00:56:04 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
on 7/24/00 9:04 AM, Joaquín González de Echavarri at jge at wrote: > Different answers: > > In= Limit[(a^2 - a*x)/(a - Sqrt[a*x]), x -> a] > > Out= 0 > > In=Limit[Simplify[(a^2 - a*x)/(a - Sqrt[a*x])], x -> a] > > Out= 0 > > In= Limit[FullSimplify[(a^2 - a*x)/(a - Sqrt[a*x])], x -> a] > > 2 > Out= a + Sqrt[a ] > > Wrong answer: > > In= Limit[(Sqrt[x + a^2] - a)/(Sqrt[x + b^2] - b), x -> 0] > > 2 > a - Sqrt[a ] > Out= ------------ > 2 > b - Sqrt[b ] > > The right answer is b/a. > > Any suggestion? > > Joako > This is basically the same situation as in the original problem in the l'Hospital rule thread. You really should have read posted answers to that thread before sending your own. The problem is that you are quite wrong when you write: > The right answer is b/a. You could easily check yourself that this is not always so, e.g. In[1]:= f[x_] := (Sqrt[a^2 + x] - a)/(Sqrt[b^2 + x] - b) In[2]:= a = -6; b = -3; In[3]:= f[0.0001] Out[3]= 2. or In[4]:= Limit[f[x], x -> 0] Out[4]= 2 This is a/b not b/a! On the other hand: In[5]:= a = 6; b = 3; In[6]:= Limit[f[x], x -> 0] Out[6]= 1 - 2 The point is that Mathematica simply chose a differnet branch branch of the multivalued solution set and you are chosing a different one. If Mathematica's answer is "wrong" then so is yours. In fact, Mathematica's answer covers more cases than your won. One can find all the answers using Mathematica if one approaches the problem a little more carefuly: In[1]:= h[x_] := Sqrt[a^2 + x] - a + O[x]^2; g[x_] := Sqrt[b^2 + x] - b + O[x]^2; In[2]:= conds = Partition[ Flatten[NestList[RotateLeft, Outer[Apply, {Less, Greater}, {{a, 0}, {b, 0}}, 1] // Flatten, 1]], 2] Out[2]= {{a < 0, b < 0}, {a > 0, b > 0}, {b < 0, a > 0}, {b > 0, a < 0}} In[59]:= Limit[Simplify[Normal[h[x]]/Normal[g[x]], #], x -> 0] & /@ conds Out[59]= a b {-, -, 0, -(Infinity Sign[a b])} b a This last element in this list should be , of course, just Infinity. -- Andrzej Kozlowski Toyama International University, JAPAN For Mathematica related links and resources try: <>