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Re: [Q] Differential equation?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg22654] Re: [mg22620] [Q] Differential equation?
  • From: "Henry Foley" <thomas_aq2 at>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 09:11:11 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


These were your equations -

y'_0(t) = -a * y_0(t) + b * y_1(t)
y'_1(t) = a * y_0(t) + (c*t-b) * y_1(t) --- (*)

Interesting - what is the physical system that they describe? Can you tell
You do not need all the extraneous symbols. You can recast them as follows.

  {y1'[t] == -a y1[t] + b  y2[t], y2'[t] == a  y1[t] + (c t - b)y2[t]},
  {y1[t], y2[t]}, t]

However - this does not lead to a symbollic solution as you pointed out. (If
you can make ordering arguments that allow you to drop a term in the second
equation, such as y1[t], then it is soluble. No surprise!)

You can solve the problem numerically and I have included code below that
does this nicely. I used quite uncreative values for the parameters and
intial values. You could non-dimensionalize, i.e. normalize the parameters
and variables, then solve at specific ratio values of the parameters. At any
rate they are seemingly simple to solve numerically as follows:

a = 1;
b = 2;
c = 3;
a = NDSolve[
      {y1'[t] == -a y1[t] + b  y2[t],
        y2'[t] == a  y1[t] + (c t - b)y2[t],
        y1[0] == 1, y2[0] == 1},
      {y1[t], y2[t]}, {t, 0, 1}];
yy1[t_] := Evaluate[y1[t] /. a]
yy2[t_] := Evaluate[y2[t] /. a]
Plot[{yy1[t], yy2[t]}, {t, 0, 1}]


Hank Foley
-----Original Message-----
From: James <research at>
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg22654] [mg22620] [Q] Differential equation?

>I began to use Mathematica, and found out it is great.
>But I happen to have a question during solving differential equtations.
>Here's a problem.
>    y'_0(t)  =  -a * y_0(t) +      b * y_1(t)
>    y'_1(t)  =   a * y_0(t) + (c*t-b) * y_1(t)     --- (*)
>                                 ^
>This can be solvable mathematically, even some tedious work,
>but when I use Mathematica, it can't solve it.
>After some trial and error, I found out that 't' in (*)
>is the problem - problem that mathematica doesn't give an answer,
>it just shows the above equations as an answer.
>So I wonder if this is the limit of Mathematica,
>or is there any way to solve it?
>I sincerely hope there's some way - because my work involves
>a lot of Diffrential Equations.
>Any reply would be appreciated.

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