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Re: Weird division

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg22763] Re: Weird division
  • From: Martin Harborth <Martin.Harborth at>
  • Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 03:28:16 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Siemens AG, ATD TD IT MV 1
  • References: <8b9lp6$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

PaulDj schrieb:
> Hallo,
> do you know why
> N[2^25/38,i]=883011.    when i<=16
> and only with i>16 the decimal digits come out?

see the answers to my similar question some days ago:

Hi Martin. I also have been unable to make Mathematica PRINT a result
with arbitrary precision, namely as you do. 

 Your machine precision is probably 16 just as mine (Run the command
$MachinePrecision to find out) which explains that behavior, if you ask
precision>17 you put Mathematica out of it defaut, but if you ask less
than 17 it works on it default setting, computes numbers to 16 digits
(even if you ask for less!) and prints 6. However, it knows more digits
than it prints:

Try this:

  In[1]:= N[Sin[1.0],10]

  Out[1]= 0.841471             Prints six digits, but knows more!


  Out[2]=-1.51921 10^(-8)    Not zero!

 I don't know how to change the printing options, I am sure it is
possible. But it's usually sufficient that Mathematica knows those extra
digits, not that it prints it.

 Otto Linsuain. 


In Version 4, N does not affect the number of digits displayed. The
default is to
always display 6 places of precision, except for trailing zeros.

N[1.0/3, 10]

The number is actually a machine precision number and I don't think the
10 actually
did anything in the above statement. To display just 10 places you can
use the number
formatting command NumberForm:

NumberForm[1.0/3, 10]

If you regularly want to see 10 places, instead of the default 6 places,
you can
change the PrintPrecision setting in the Option Inspector. Follow the
path Formatting
Options -> Expression Formatting -> Display Options -> PrintPrecision.
Edit the
PrintPrecision value from 6 to 10 and Enter.

Finally, if you wish to maintain control on the precision of your
calculations, check
out Section 3.1 Numbers, and especially Section 3.1.4 Numerical
Precision in the
Mathematica Book.

David Park
djmp at


Thank you for the email.

You should use SetPrecision[number,n] to specify the precision of a
result, not N[].  The following will show the behavior of N compared to

In[1]:= N[Pi,10]

Out[1]= 3.14159

In[2]:= a = SetPrecision[Pi,10]

Out[2]= 3.141592654

In[3]:= b = SetPrecision[Pi,13]

Out[3]= 3.141592653590

In[4]:= a + b

Out[4]= 6.283185307


David Arcoleo
Technical Support
Wolfram Research, Inc.
support at

Bye, Martin.

Dr. Martin Harborth
Siemens AG, Transportation Systems, VT 1 E 11
Ackerstr. 22,  D-38126 Braunschweig,  Germany
phone +49 531 226 5338, fax +49 531 2277 5338

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