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Re: Usage of SymbolLabel option in MultipleListPlot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25508] Re: [mg25480] Usage of SymbolLabel option in MultipleListPlot
  • From: Tomas Garza <tgarza01 at>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 23:50:26 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

It seems to me that you should have written Table[klist[[i]],{i,1,10}] 
in the first line of your code. But, anyway, if it runs as it is, just 

  {"m=0", "m=1", "m=2", "m=3", "m=4",
 "m=5", "m=6", "m=7", "m=8", "m=9"}

in a double bracket, thus

 SymbolLabel ->{{"m=0", "m=1", "m=2", "m=3", "m=4",
 "m=5", "m=6", "m=7", "m=8", "m=9"}}

This should correct the problem. I would also suggest some 
embellishments, like for example using Frame->{True, True, False, False} 
instead of just Frame->True. You might also use better fonts for your 
labels, etc.

Tomas Garza
Mexico City

Pedro Serrao <pserrao at> wrote:

> It's my intention to plot 10 points in x-y coordinates specifying a
> different label for each point. For instance Point 1 should be labeled
> m=0, Point 2 should be labeled m=1 and so on.
> However when I evaluate the following instruction all points are 
> with the same string m=0.
> MultipleListPlot[Table[klist[i], {i, 10}], PlotRange -> All,
>       SymbolShape -> {PlotSymbol[Box], Label},
>       SymbolLabel -> {"m=0", "m=1", "m=2", "m=3", "m=4",
> "m=5", "m=6", "m=7", "m=8", "m=9"}, Frame -> True, 
FrameLabel ->
> {"Re(k)", "Im(k)"}];
> What is the proper way to specify differenf labels for each point?

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