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Exporting multiple page graphics

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25510] Exporting multiple page graphics
  • From: "Gareth J. Russell" <russell at>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 23:50:28 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I have some code that generates a fairly complex graphic from a dataset. I
would like to run the code on a sequence of n datasets, and save the
resulting graphics as an n-page document. n is often > 100!

One solution would be to generate all the figures in a notebook, print the
notebook to a postscript file using the front end (Mac for me), and then
distill this. But, the figures are complex enough (they are actually maps)
that it's not feasible to generate 100 or so at once in a notebook.

In another package, I generated each graphic in sequence, and exported to a
file as postscript, appending each to the same file. I could then run the
resulting file through Distiller and get a very nice-looking n-page .pdf

I believe (from reading the archives) that this kernel-based postscript
option won't work, because Mathematica's postscript is non-standard.

Mathematica WILL export directly as .pdf, but does anyone know if it's
possible to create a multiple-page .pdf document? My thoughts involve
writing the text version of the .pdf code to a file, but I don't know enough
about .pdf to know if this is even feasible.

Any suggestions about getting the multiple pages?


P.S. I know that I could export each figure separately as, say, .eps,
distill them all, and then use Acrobat to stitch them together, but I'd
rather not...

Gareth J. Russell
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Tennessee
569 Dabney Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996-1610

I am away from UT at the moment! You can get
me at 716 223 2713

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