Re: Hold, HoldForm, ReleaseHold when Plotting multiple functions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg25514] Re: [mg25481] Hold, HoldForm, ReleaseHold when Plotting multiple functions
- From: Ross Sean Civ AFRL/DELO <Sean.Ross at>
- Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 23:50:34 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Ok, I have attached the notebook showing an example of when Plot[Evaluate[...]..] does not work the same as explicitly listing each function you want to plot. The error messages all come from FindRoot, one of the functions called by the functions I am trying to Plot. One of the resondents to my message said that the only thing he could think of was "some weird interaction with another HoldAll function, like FindRoot". That is exactly the case and this "weird interaction" has stalled several programming projects for me. In one particular case using functions far more nested than the ones in this notebook, the result is that a certain set of functions gives different results when called within another function compared to what they give when called directly, so this "weird interaction" is a matter of some concern to me and has plagued me for a couple of years now. If anyone has any light to shed on the matter, please respond to: Sean.Ross at <<FPOPO_tuningcurves.mathgroup.nb>> Dr. Sean Ross AFRL/DELO 3550 Aberdeen Ave. Building 761 Kirtland AFB, NM 87117 Office: (505) 846-9148 Labs: (505) 853-6440/846-9289 Fax: (505) 853-0485 Email: sean.ross at (*********************************************************************** Mathematica-Compatible Notebook This notebook can be used on any computer system with Mathematica 4.0, MathReader 4.0, or any compatible application. The data for the notebook starts with the line containing stars above. To get the notebook into a Mathematica-compatible application, do one of the following: * Save the data starting with the line of stars above into a file with a name ending in .nb, then open the file inside the application; * Copy the data starting with the line of stars above to the clipboard, then use the Paste menu command inside the application. 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Jundt, Temperature-dependent Sellmeiers \ equation for the index of refraction, ne, in congruent lithium niobate. \ Optics Letters 15 October 1997, page 1553.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[{ \(\(nextLiNbO3::usage = "\<nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda] (\[Mu]m),temperature (\ \[Degree]C)] returns the temperature dependent extraordinary index of \ refraction for Lithium Niobate. Wavelength is restricted to {.3\[Mu]m,10.1\ \[Mu]m}\>";\)\n\), "\n", \(\(nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]_ /; \((\[Lambda] >= .3 && \[Lambda] <= 10.1)\) (*microns*) , \n\t T_ (*degrees\ C*) ] := \n\t (*Temperature\ Dependent\ Sellmeier\ \ equations\ for\ Lithium\ Niobate*) \n\t Module[{\n\t\tTo = 24.5, \n\t\ \ \ \ A1 = 5.35583, \n\t\ \ \ \ A2 0.100473, \n\t\ \ \ \ A3 = 0.20692, \n\t\ \ \ \ A4 100. , \n\t\ \ \ \ A5 = 11.34927, \n\t\ \ \ \ A6 1.5334*^-2, \n\t\ \ \ \ B1 = 4.629*^-7, \n\t\ \ \ \ B2 = 3.862*^-8, \n\t\ \ \ \ B3 = \(- .89*^-8\), \n\t\ \ \ \ B4 = 2.657*^-5}, \n\t\tF = \((T\ - \ To)\)*\((T + \ 570.82)\); Sqrt[\((A1 + B1\ F + \((A4 + B4\ F)\)/\((\[Lambda]^2 - A5^2)\) + \((A2 + B2\ F)\)/\((\[Lambda]^2 - \((A3 + B3\ F)\)^2)\) - \ A6\ \[Lambda]^2)\)]];\)\[IndentingNewLine]\), "\ \[IndentingNewLine]", \(\(d\[Lambda]nextLiNbO3::usage = "\<d\[Lambda]nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda] \ (\[Mu]m),temperature (\[Degree]C)] returns the temperature dependent \ wavelength dispersion of the extraordinary index of refraction for Lithium \ Niobate. Wavelength is restricted to {.3\[Mu]m,10.1\[Mu]m}\>";\)\ \[IndentingNewLine]\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(\(d\[Lambda]nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]_ /; \((\[Lambda] >= .3 && \[Lambda] < 10.1)\) (*microns*) , \n\t T_ (*degrees\ C*) ] := \[IndentingNewLine] (*Wavelength\ dispersion\ \ of\ Sellmeier\ equations\ for\ Lithium\ \ Niobate*) \[IndentingNewLine]Module[{\n\t\tTo = 24.5, \n\t\ \ \ \ A1 5.35583, \n\t\ \ \ \ A2 = 0.100473, \n\t\ \ \ \ A3 0.20692, \n\t\ \ \ \ A4 = 100. , \n\t\ \ \ \ A5 11.34927, \n\t\ \ \ \ A6 = 1.5334*^-2, \n\t\ \ \ \ B1 4.629*^-7, \n\t\ \ \ \ B2 3.862*^-8, \n\t\ \ \ \ B3 = \(- .89*^-8\), \n\t\ \ \ \ B4 2.657*^-5}, \n\t\tF = \((T\ - \ To)\)*\((T + \ 570.82)\); \((\(-2\)* A6*\[Lambda] - \((2*\((A4 + B4*F)\)*\[Lambda])\)/\((\(-A5^2\) + \ \[Lambda]^2)\)^2 - \((2*\((A2 + B2*F)\)*\[Lambda])\)/\((\(-\((A3 + B3*F)\)^2\) + \[Lambda]^2)\)^2)\)/\((2* Sqrt[A1 + B1*F - A6*\[Lambda]^2 + \((A4 + B4*F)\)/\((\(-A5^2\) + \[Lambda]^2)\) + \((A2 + B2*F)\)/\((\(-\((A3 + B3*F)\)^2\) + \[Lambda]^2)\)])\)];\)\), "\ \[IndentingNewLine]", \(\(\[CapitalLambda]::usage = "\<\[CapitalLambda][\[CapitalLambda]0, \ T(degrees C)] returns the expanded or contracted length of Lithium Niobate \ based on temperature. In practice, this is used for the change in grating \ period with temperature\>";\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(\(\[CapitalLambda][\[CapitalLambda]0_, T_] := Module[{\[Alpha] = 1.54*^-5, \[Beta] = 5.3*^-9, T0 = 25}, \[CapitalLambda]0 \((1 + \[Alpha] \((T - T0)\) + \[Beta] \((T - T0)\)^2)\)];\)\)}], "Input"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Tuning Curves", "Subsubsection"], Cell["\<\ \[CapitalDelta]k[\[Lambda]i_,T_,\[CapitalLambda]_]:=Module[{\[Lambda]s ,\ \[Lambda]p=1.067}, np=nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]p,T]; ni=nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]i,T]; \[Lambda]s=1/(1/\[Lambda]p-1/\[Lambda]i); ns=nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]s,T]; 2*\[Pi] (np/\[Lambda]p-ns/\[Lambda]s-ni/\[Lambda]i-1/\[CapitalLambda]) ]; \[Lambda]pm[\[CapitalLambda]0_,T_,\[Lambda]p_:1.067]:= Module[{x}, \[Lambda]i=x/.FindRoot[\[CapitalDelta]k[x,T,\[CapitalLambda][\[Capital Lambda]\ 0,T]]==0.0,{x,3.5,3.8}]; \[Lambda]s=1/(1/\[Lambda]p-1/\[Lambda]i); Return[{\[Lambda]s,\[Lambda]i}] ];\ \>", "Input"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Pump acceptance bandwidth", "Subsubsection"], Cell["\<\ Clear[bandwidth]; bandwidth::usage=\"bandwidth[\[CapitalLambda]0(\[Mu]m), T(\[Degree]C)] gives \ the calculated pump acceptance bandwidth in {nm, GHz} for a given grating \ period and temperature for PPLN.\"; bandwidth[\[CapitalLambda]0_,T_,\[CapitalDelta]kl_:\[Pi]/4]:= Module[{\[Lambda]p=1.067,np,npp,\[Lambda]i,c=3*^8,l=50000(*\[Mu]m* )}, npp=d\[Lambda]nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]p,T]; np=nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]p,T]; \[Lambda]i=\[Lambda]pm[\[CapitalLambda]0,T][[2]]; npi=d\[Lambda]nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]i,T]; ni=nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]i,T]; \[CapitalDelta]\[Lambda]p=1/((\[Pi] l / \[CapitalDelta]kl) (npp/\[Lambda]p - \ np/\[Lambda]p^2 -npi* \[Lambda]i/\[Lambda]p^2 +ni/\[Lambda]p^2)); \[CapitalDelta]\[Nu]p=c \[CapitalDelta]\[Lambda]p/\[Lambda]p^2; Return[{\[CapitalDelta]\[Lambda]p*1000(*nm*),\[CapitalDelta]\[Nu]p/1000( *GHz*)\ }] ]\ \>", "Input"], Cell["bandwidth[29.1,150]", "Input"], Cell["\<\ Map[HoldForm[InputForm[bandwidth[#,x][[1]]]]&,{28.5,28.7,28.9,29.1,29.3, 29.5,\ 29.7,29.9}]\ \>", "Input"], Cell["\<\ Plot[Evaluate[Map[bandwidth[#,x][[1]]&,{28.5,28.7,28.9,29.1,29.3,29.5,29 .7,29.\ 9}]],{x,140,200}, PlotRange->{-5,5}, TextStyle->FontSize->14, Prolog->Thickness[.006], PlotStyle->Array[Hue[#/9.]&,9], Frame->True, FrameLabel->{\"Grating Temperature, \[Degree]C\",\"Pump acceptance \ bandwidth, nm\",\"PPLN bandwidth curves\",None}]\ \>", "Input"], Cell["\<\ plotting=Plot[{bandwidth[28.5, x][[1]], \tbandwidth[28.7, x][[1]], \tbandwidth[28.9, x][[1]], \tbandwidth[29.1, x][[1]], \tbandwidth[29.3, x][[1]], \tbandwidth[29.5, x][[1]], \tbandwidth[29.7, x][[1]], \tbandwidth[29.9, x][[1]]},{x,140,200}, PlotRange->{-5,5}, TextStyle->FontSize->14, Prolog->Thickness[.006], PlotStyle->Array[Hue[#/8.]&,8], Frame->True, FrameLabel->{\"Grating Temperature, \[Degree]C\",\"Pump acceptance \ bandwidth, nm\",\"PPLN bandwidth curves\",None}]\ \>", "Input"] }, Closed]] }, FrontEndVersion->"4.0 for Microsoft Windows", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1024}, {0, 723}}, WindowToolbars->{"RulerBar", "EditBar"}, CellGrouping->Manual, WindowSize->{783, 627}, WindowMargins->{{18, Automatic}, {26, Automatic}}, PrintingCopies->1, PrintingPageRange->{Automatic, Automatic}, Magnification->1 ] (*********************************************************************** Cached data follows. 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