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advanced keystroke remapping

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25531] advanced keystroke remapping
  • From: topquark at
  • Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 03:35:37 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I'm looking for a way to filter the keystroke stream in a Mathematica
notebook session and remap a pattern of keystrokes in real-time to
another sequence as determined by a set of rules that allow roughly the
flexibility of regular expressions.

One of the reasons I'd like to do this is to customize the way
mathematical expressions are entered in Mathematica.  I don't find
always reaching for the Escape key very comfortable, and I would like
to redefine how math mode is entered and exited and how mathematical
expressions are navigated.

The problem with standard key-remapping utilities is that they don't
allow the user to define rules to remap a string that matches a pattern
to a different string; they just swap keys and (re)define control-
sequences.  The kind of program I'm looking for would have to buffer
the keystroke input in order to see if a pattern is matched first
before sending the substitution to the application.  If it sends each
keystroke to the application as it is entered, it would be difficult
to "get the string back" from the application in order to make the
substitution without sending editing commands along with the
replacement string.

Preferably, a little piece of code written inside Mathematica would
provide this level of customizability, but I'm willing to look at
solutions that lie closer to the OS, in which case I'd be interested in
suggestions that relate either to Windows or UNIX.


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