Re: Hold, HoldForm, ReleaseHold when Plotting multiple functions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg25552] Re: [mg25481] Hold, HoldForm, ReleaseHold when Plotting multiple functions
- From: "Allan Hayes" <hay at>
- Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 03:35:56 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <8rjk0h$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Ross, Lets follow what happens with a simplified version of the plot that does not work, and try to correct the problems. (I append an corrected version of your notebook - typos also corrects - please not also that Return[ ] is not needed at the end of Module[ ]) Plot[Evaluate[Map[bandwidth[#, x][[1]] &, {28.5, 28.7}]], {x, 140, 200}] Evalute[...] becomes {bandwidth[#, x][[1]] &[28.5], bandwidth[#, x][[1]] &[28.7]} {bandwidth[28.5, x][[1]], bandwidth[#, x][[28.7]] }, Now bandwidth[28.5, x] tries to evaluates, but does succeed because deep in its definition FindRoot needs x to be a number, not a symbol. We can fix this by starting the definition of bandwidth with (writing lamba) bandwidth[lambda0_,T_Real ..]:= .. With this change bandwidth[28.5, x] does not evaluate. However, part extraction does proceed and we get {28.5, 28.7 } and we get horizontal lines plotted. Here are two ways round this (1) Define fst[{x_Real, y_}] := x then use Plot[Evaluate[Map[fst[bandwidth[#, x]] &, {28.5, 28.7}]], {x, 140, 200}] (2) Define bandwidth1[lambd0_,T_Real ..]:= bandwidth[lambd0,T ..][[1]] then use Plot[Evaluate[Map[bandwidth1[#, x] &, {28.5, 28.7}]], {x, 140, 200}] -- Allan --------------------- Allan Hayes Mathematica Training and Consulting Leicester UK hay at Voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198 Fax: +44 (0)870 164 0565 Notebook[{ Cell["\<\ The purpose of this file is to generate tuning curves for PPLN and then pump wavelength acceptance bandwidth curves. \ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(Remove["\<`*\>"]\)], "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Lithium Niobate Sellmeiers-Jundt formula", "Subsubsection"], Cell["\<\ This version is used in the snlo.exe code and agrees very well with our fiber pumped OPO. Reference: Dieter H. Jundt, Temperature-dependent Sellmeiers equation for the index of refraction, ne, in congruent lithium \ niobate. Optics Letters 15 October 1997, page 1553.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[{ \(\(nextLiNbO3::usage = "\<nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda] (\[Mu]m),temperature (\[Degree]C)] returns the temperature dependent \ extraordinary index of refraction for Lithium Niobate. Wavelength is \ restricted to {.3\[Mu]m,10.1\[Mu]m}\>";\)\n\), "\n", \(\(nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]_ /; \((\[Lambda] >= .3 && \[Lambda] <= 10.1)\) (*microns*) , \n\t T_ (*degrees\ C*) ] := \n\t (*Temperature\ Dependent\ Sellmeier\ \ equations\ for\ Lithium\ Niobate*) \n\t Module[{\n\t\tTo = 24.5, \n\t\ \ \ \ A1 = 5.35583, \n\t\ \ \ \ A2 = 0.100473, \n\t\ \ \ \ A3 = 0.20692, \n\t\ \ \ \ A4 = 100. , \n\t\ \ \ \ A5 = 11.34927, \n\t\ \ \ \ A6 = 1.5334*^-2, \n\t\ \ \ \ B1 = 4.629*^-7, \n\t\ \ \ \ B2 = 3.862*^-8, \n\t\ \ \ \ B3 = \(- .89*^-8\), \n\t\ \ \ \ B4 = 2.657*^-5}, \n\t\tF = \((T\ - \ To)\)*\((T + \ 570.82)\); Sqrt[\((A1 + B1\ F + \((A4 + B4\ F)\)/\((\[Lambda]^2 - A5^2)\) + \((A2 + B2\ F)\)/\((\[Lambda]^2 - \((A3 + B3\ F)\)^2)\) - A6\ \[Lambda]^2)\)]];\)\[IndentingNewLine]\), "\ \[IndentingNewLine]", \(\(d\[Lambda]nextLiNbO3::usage = "\<d\[Lambda]nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda] \ (\[Mu]m),temperature (\[Degree]C)] returns the temperature dependent \ wavelength dispersion of the extraordinary index of refraction for Lithium Niobate. Wavelength is restricted to {.3\[Mu]m,10.1\[Mu]m}\>";\)\ \[IndentingNewLine]\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(\(d\[Lambda]nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]_ /; \((\[Lambda] >= .3 && \[Lambda] < 10.1)\) (*microns*) , \n\t T_ (*degrees\ C*) ] := \[IndentingNewLine] (*Wavelength\ dispersion\ \ of\ Sellmeier\ equations\ for\ Lithium\ \ Niobate*) \[IndentingNewLine]Module[{\n\t\tTo = 24.5, \n\t\ \ \ \ A1 = 5.35583, \n\t\ \ \ \ A2 = 0.100473, \n\t\ \ \ \ A3 = 0.20692, \n\t\ \ \ \ A4 = 100. , \n\t\ \ \ \ A5 = 11.34927, \n\t\ \ \ \ A6 = 1.5334*^-2, \n\t\ \ \ \ B1 = 4.629*^-7, \n\t\ \ \ \ B2 = 3.862*^-8, \n\t\ \ \ \ B3 = \(- .89*^-8\), \n\t\ \ \ \ B4 = 2.657*^-5}, \n\t\tF = \((T\ - \ To)\)*\((T + 570.82)\); \((\(-2\)* A6*\[Lambda] - \((2*\((A4 + B4*F)\)*\[Lambda])\)/\((\(-A5^2\) + \ \[Lambda]^2)\)^2 - \((2*\((A2 + B2*F)\)*\[Lambda])\)/\((\(-\((A3 + B3*F)\)^2\) + \[Lambda]^2)\)^2)\)/\((2* Sqrt[A1 + B1*F - A6*\[Lambda]^2 + \((A4 + B4*F)\)/\((\(-A5^2\) + \[Lambda]^2)\) + \((A2 + B2*F)\)/\((\(-\((A3 + B3*F)\)^2\) + \[Lambda]^2)\)])\)];\)\), "\ \[IndentingNewLine]", \(\(\[CapitalLambda]::usage = "\<\[CapitalLambda][\[CapitalLambda]0, \ T(degrees C)] returns the expanded or contracted length of Lithium Niobate based on temperature. In practice, this is used for the change in grating period with temperature\>";\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(\(\[CapitalLambda][\[CapitalLambda]0_, T_] := Module[{\[Alpha] = 1.54*^-5, \[Beta] = 5.3*^-9, T0 = 25}, \[CapitalLambda]0 \((1 + \[Alpha] \((T - T0)\) + \[Beta] \((T - T0)\)^2)\)];\)\)}], "Input"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Tuning Curves", "Subsubsection"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["\<\ \[CapitalDelta]k[\[Lambda]i_,T_,\[CapitalLambda]_]:=Module[{\[Lambda]s,\ \[Lambda]p=1.067}, np=nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]p,T]; ni=nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]i,T]; \[Lambda]s=1/(1/\[Lambda]p-1/\[Lambda]i); ns=nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]s,T]; 2*\[Pi] (np/\[Lambda]p-ns/\[Lambda]s-ni/\[Lambda]i-1/\[CapitalLambda]) ]; \[Lambda]pm[\[CapitalLambda]0_,T_,\[Lambda]p_:1.067]:= Module[{x}, \[Lambda]i=x/.FindRoot[\[CapitalDelta]k[x,T,\[CapitalLambda][\\[CapitalLambd a]\ 0,T]]==0.0,{x,3.5,3.8}]; \[Lambda]s=1/(1/\[Lambda]p-1/\[Lambda]i); Return[{\[Lambda]s,\[Lambda]i}] ];\ \>", "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(General::"spell" \(\(:\)\(\ \)\) "Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"\!\(\[Lambda]s\)\" is \ similar to existing symbols \!\({\[Lambda], \[Lambda]i}\)."\)], "Message"], Cell[BoxData[ \(General::"spell" \(\(:\)\(\ \)\) "Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"\!\(\[Lambda]p\)\" is \ similar to existing symbols \!\({\[Lambda], \[Lambda]i, \[Lambda]s}\)."\)], \ "Message"], Cell[BoxData[ \(General::"spell1" \(\(:\)\(\ \)\) "Possible spelling error: new symbol name \"\!\(\[Lambda]pm\)\" is \ similar to existing symbol \"\!\(\[Lambda]p\)\"."\)], "Message"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Pump acceptance bandwidth", "Subsubsection"], Cell["\<\ Clear[bandwidth]; bandwidth::usage=\"bandwidth[\[CapitalLambda]0(\[Mu]m), T(\[Degree]C)] gives the calculated pump acceptance bandwidth in {nm, GHz} \ for a given grating period and temperature for PPLN.\"; bandwidth[\[CapitalLambda]0_,T_Real,\[CapitalDelta]kl_:\[Pi]/4]:= Module[{\[Lambda]p=1.067,np,npp,\[Lambda]i,c=3*^8,l=50000(*\[Mu]m*)}, npp=d\[Lambda]nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]p,T]; np=nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]p,T]; \[Lambda]i=\[Lambda]pm[\[CapitalLambda]0,T][[2]]; npi=d\[Lambda]nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]i,T]; ni=nextLiNbO3[\[Lambda]i,T]; \[CapitalDelta]\[Lambda]p=1/((\[Pi] l / \[CapitalDelta]kl) (npp/\[Lambda]p - np/\[Lambda]p^2 -npi* \[Lambda]i/\[Lambda]p^2 \ +ni/\[Lambda]p^2)); \[CapitalDelta]\[Nu]p=c \[CapitalDelta]\[Lambda]p/\[Lambda]p^2; {\[CapitalDelta]\[Lambda]p*1000(*nm*),\[CapitalDelta]\[Nu]p/1000(*GHz*)} ]\ \>", "Input"], Cell["\<\ Two ways of proceeding: (1)\ \>", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ StyleBox[\(fst[{x_Real, \ y_}]\ := \ x\), FormatType->StandardForm]], "Input"], Cell["\<\ Plot[Evaluate[Map[fst[bandwidth[#,x]]&,{28.5,28.7,28.9,29.1,29.3,29.5,29 .7,29.9}]],{x,140,200}, PlotRange->{-5,5}, TextStyle->FontSize->14, Prolog->Thickness[.006], PlotStyle->Array[Hue[#/9.]&,9], Frame->True, FrameLabel->{\"Grating Temperature, \[Degree]C\",\"Pump acceptance \ bandwidth, nm\",\"PPLN bandwidth curves\",None}];\ \>", "Input"] }, Open ]], Cell["(2)", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(bandwidth1[\[CapitalLambda]0_, T_Real, \[CapitalDelta]kl_: \[Pi]/ 4] := \(bandwidth[\[CapitalLambda]0, T, \[CapitalDelta]kl]\)[\([1]\)]\)], "Input"], Cell["\<\ Plot[Evaluate[Map[bandwidth1[#,x]&,{28.5,28.7,28.9,29.1,29.3,29.5,29 .7,29.9}]],{x,140,200}, PlotRange->{-5,5}, TextStyle->FontSize->14, Prolog->Thickness[.006], PlotStyle->Array[Hue[#/9.]&,9], Frame->True, FrameLabel->{\"Grating Temperature, \[Degree]C\",\"Pump acceptance \ bandwidth, nm\",\"PPLN bandwidth curves\",None}];\ \>", "Input"] }, FrontEndVersion->"4.0 for Microsoft Windows", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1280}, {0, 951}}, WindowToolbars->{"RulerBar", "EditBar"}, CellGrouping->Manual, WindowSize->{783, 627}, WindowMargins->{{Automatic, 193}, {Automatic, 127}}, PrintingCopies->1, PrintingPageRange->{Automatic, Automatic}, Magnification->1 ]