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3-D HDF Importing and displaying

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25581] 3-D HDF Importing and displaying
  • From: "Pete Riley" <uk2 at>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 01:16:44 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I was wondering whether anyone could help me get started importing 3-D HDF
files and viewing/analyzing them in Mathematica. I've looked at the online
documentation but can only get so far.

I have an HDF file, which I can read in using the "Import" function. But, it
appears that it only reads in the first field from the file, which is the
first coordinate of the array. So there's still 2 more coordinates and the
3-D array I can't see. How do I extract this info too?

Once I've got this, what kinds of things can I expect to be able to display?
Are there any voxel projection routines, isosurface routines, slicing and

If anyone has a template notebook that could give me some pointers on how to
get going I'd appreciate it.

Thanks in advance, Pete Riley

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