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Re: A question of matrix multiply, who can solve it?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25703] Re: [mg25671] A question of matrix multiply, who can solve it?
  • From: Tomas Garza <tgarza01 at>
  • Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 04:35:28 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Not so terrible. If you want to multiply matrices you must use "Dot". 
"Dot" is the notation for matrix multiplication in Mathematica (The 
Book, p.841). For example, try

Array[A, {3, 3}].Array[B, {3, 3}]

(please notice the dot "." between the two arrays indicating 
multiplication), which may be written also as

Dot[Array[A, {3, 3}], Array[B, {3, 3}]]
{{A[1, 1] B[1, 1] + A[1, 2] B[2, 1] + A[1, 3] B[3, 1],
    A[1, 1] B[1, 2] + A[1, 2] B[2, 2] + A[1, 3] B[3, 2],
    A[1, 1] B[1, 3] + A[1, 2] B[2, 3] + A[1, 3] B[3, 3]}, {A[2, 1] B[1, 
1] +
      A[2, 2] B[2, 1] + A[2, 3] B[3, 1],
    A[2, 1] B[1, 2] + A[2, 2] B[2, 2] + A[2, 3] B[3, 2],
    A[2, 1] B[1, 3] + A[2, 2] B[2, 3] + A[2, 3] B[3, 3]}, {A[3, 1] B[1, 
1] +
      A[3, 2] B[2, 1] + A[3, 3] B[3, 1],
    A[3, 1] B[1, 2] + A[3, 2] B[2, 2] + A[3, 3] B[3, 2],
    A[3, 1] B[1, 3] + A[3, 2] B[2, 3] + A[3, 3] B[3, 3]}}

No mistake.

Tomas Garza
Mexico City

"Chen Jisheng" <chenjs at> wrote:

> As a beginning user, I find a mistake of Mathematic 4.0(/3.0 for 
> That is about the multipy method of matrix.
> For example, as I input the two matrices:
> A={a[1, 1], a[1, 2], a[1, 3], a[1, 4], a[1, 5]}
> {a[2, 1], a[2, 2], a[2, 3], a[2, 4], a[2, 5]}
> {a[3, 1], a[3, 2], a[3, 3], a[3, 4], a[3, 5]}
> {a[4, 1], a[4, 2], a[4, 3], a[4, 4], a[4, 5]}
> {a[5, 1], a[5, 2], a[5, 3], a[5, 4], a[5, 5]},
> B={{b[1, 1], b[1, 2], b[1, 3], b[1, 4], b[1, 5]},
>  {b[2, 1], b[2, 2], b[2, 3], b[2, 4], b[2, 5]},
>  {b[3, 1], b[3, 2], b[3, 3], b[3, 4], b[3, 5]},
>  {b[4, 1], b[4, 2], b[4, 3], b[4, 4], b[4, 5]},
>  {b[5, 1], b[5, 2], b[5, 3], b[5, 4], b[5, 5]}},
> then calculate the result of A B. The mathematics gives the following
> result:
> A B={{a[1, 1] b[1, 1], a[1, 2] b[1, 2], a[1, 3] b[1, 3],
>   a[1, 4] b[1, 4], a[1, 5] b[1, 5]},
>  {a[2, 1] b[2, 1], a[2, 2] b[2, 2], a[2, 3] b[2, 3],
>   a[2, 4] b[2, 4], a[2, 5] b[2, 5]},
>  {a[3, 1] b[3, 1], a[3, 2] b[3, 2], a[3, 3] b[3, 3],
>   a[3, 4] b[3, 4], a[3, 5] b[3, 5]},
>  {a[4, 1] b[4, 1], a[4, 2] b[4, 2], a[4, 3] b[4, 3],
>   a[4, 4] b[4, 4], a[4, 5] b[4, 5]},
>  {a[5, 1] b[5, 1], a[5, 2] b[5, 2], a[5, 3] b[5, 3],
>   a[5, 4] b[5, 4], a[5, 5] b[5, 5]}}.
> As all knows, this is not correct. I think it is terrible.
> Do you think so? How can improve it?

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