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Mathematica doesn't run anymore, please, please help.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25773] Mathematica doesn't run anymore, please, please help.
  • From: "L.V.A." <leoa at>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 23:30:06 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi all,

First off, this pertains to a Mathematica 4.0 Windows 2000 installation.
I recently had a corrupted partition, and spent a few days restoring all my
files.   When I launched Mathematica, it got to the "initializing defaults
notebook" and then simply quit.   After that, I put in my windows 2k cd and
had it repair the installation (my understanding is that it replaced most
files.)  I also reinstalled mathematica.  Nothing helped.  Still, it gives
the splash screen, briefly showing the menus, but after it gets to
"initializing defaults notebook" - vanishes.   Mathematica is the most
important piece of software on my computer by far, and right now I'm tearing
out my hair.  Any help would be appreciated before I grow completely
desperate, reformat my hard drive, and spend several days reinstalling


leoa at
   ...But I don't Have to know an answer.  I don't feel frightened by
not knowing things.  By being lost in the mysterious universe without
having any purpose, which is the way it really is, as far as I can tell,
possibly.  It doesn't frighten me.
                -- Richard P. Feynman

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