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Re: Service multiple mathlinks

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg25317] Re: Service multiple mathlinks
  • From: cmiyaji at (Chikara MIYAJI)
  • Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 03:45:48 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Japanese Institute of Sports Sciences
  • References: <8onfgc$> <8psfb7$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi Eric,

I understand that you plan to write a template program which will send
arbitrary expression to the kernel asynchronously like Frontend.
Although normal template program can not handle such expression,
my frame work, Serializer can handle it. Your template program
can send expression to the kernel with Serializer.

In article <8psfb7$a0i at>, tgayley at (Todd Gayley)
>Finally, I should note that there are other solutions to this problem.
>I know of two programs that allow one kernel to "multiplex" more than
>one front end-type program. One is called Serializer, written by
>Chikara Miyaji (and which I believe will be included with the upcoming
>book "MathLink: Network Programming with Mathematica" by Miyaji and
>Abbott [I hope I got that right])...

Yes, the title is correct. Thanks Todd for referring my book.
The book will be publish soon, three or four month after
from Cambridge University Press.

To compare other programs, my book has some advantages;
1) You can get source code for Serializer, and can modify it freely.
2) There are source codes for three platforms; Windows, Mac, and
3) There will be some possibility which improve your program. For
while dragging your 3D object, the 3D model will change the shape
to the kernel computation.

I hope my book will help your project.

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