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Re: Very difficult axes inversion?? How to???

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg31757] Re: Very difficult axes inversion?? How to???
  • From: bghiggins at (Brian Higgins)
  • Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 02:44:17 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <9u4goe$lp9$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

 I am not sure if this is what you want, but here  goes:

plt1 = LogLinearListPlot[HRTheory /. {x_, y_} -> {x, -y}, PlotStyle -> 
RGBColor[1, 0, 0], DisplayFunction -> Identity]
tksy = Last[
        Ticks /. AbsoluteOptions[plt1, Ticks]] /. {x_Real, y_Real, 
          z___} -> {x, -y, z};
tksx = First[Ticks /. AbsoluteOptions[plt1, Ticks]];
Show[plt1, Ticks -> {tksx, tksy}, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction]


"John Hamilton" <jrhamilt at> wrote in message news:<9u4goe$lp9$1 at>...
> Hello!
> I'm in desperate need of flipping the axes for both the these graphs 
> (the y axes) so they count down, not up.
> I've seen lots of solutions, but none of them seem to work in 4.0 or 
> with a LogLinearListPlot....
> Any ideas??
> Below is the code I'm using, I included one of the lists so you can see 
> how it looks...
> Thank you so much!!!  (Silly Astrophysicists!)
> John Hamilton
> jrhamilt at
> In[352]:=  HRTheory = Import["C:\Windows\Desktop\hrdata.dat"]
> Out[352]=  {{3573.42, -0.878527}, {4086.85, -0.633543}, {4630.97, 
> -0.409946}, {5162.98, \
> -0.204436}, {5754.68, -0.0146906}, {6361.21, 0.160644}, {6960.8,
>     0.32215}, {7499.38, 0.471442}, {8030.84, 0.615737}, {8637.59,
>     0.771511}, {9345.72, 0.960848}, {10321.5, 1.19904}, {11631.1,
>     1.4834}, {13189.3, 1.79744}, {15106., 2.12376}, {17278.5,
>     2.45063}, {19637.2, 2.77995}, {22496.1, 3.09186}, {25936.9,
>     3.39425}, {28536.6, 3.68696}, {32814.3, 3.97022}, {36058.,
>     4.24443}, {40228., 4.51006}, {44778.7, 4.76756}, {49424.5,
>     5.0174}, {54922.6, 5.26}, {60345.4, 5.49577}, {66276.8,
>     5.72506}, {71871.1, 5.94823}, {80980.7, 6.1628}, {88540.6, 6.37483}}
> In[353]:=  HRHipp = Import["C:\Windows\Desktop\hrdata2.dat"];
> In[354]:=  Theory = LogLinearListPlot[HRTheory, PlotStyle -> 
> RGBColor[1, 0, 0]]
>                Hipp = LogLinearListPlot[HRHipp, PlotStyle -> 
> RGBColor[0, 0, 1]]
>                Show[Theory, Hipp, Frame -> True]

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