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Re: Fourier: Execution time for real and complex arguments

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg31840] Re: Fourier: Execution time for real and complex arguments
  • From: "Allan Hayes" <hay at>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 05:55:56 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <9ul29u$6lr$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

The difference seems to be due to packed array

    x1=xRe+I 1.;
    x2=xRe+I Table[1.,{i,n}];



Now make thepacked array version of x2


        {0.49 Second,Null}

We get

    Timing[y=Fourier[xRe];] (*Real argument*)
    Timing[y=Fourier[x1];] (*Complex argument*)
    Timing[y=Fourier[x2];] (*Complex argument*)
    Timing[y=Fourier[px2];] (*Complex argument*)

        {2.69 Second,Null}

        {1.87 Second,Null}

        {6.26 Second,Null}

        {1.38 Second,Null}

So it seems to be advantageous to pack x2, even taking into account the time
taken to pack it.


Allan Hayes
Mathematica Training and Consulting
Leicester UK
hay at
Voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
Fax: +44 (0)870 164 0565

"Silvia Raffaelli" <silviar at> wrote in message
news:9ul29u$6lr$1 at
> Hi,
> I am little curious about the behavior of the
> DFT-routine Fourier. Two quesions:
> 1. Why does Fourier take much more than twice the time
>    to calculate the DFT of a list of imaginary/complex
>    numbers compared to a equal-length list of real
>    numbers (floating-point)?
> 2. Why does the way I generate a list affect the
>    time it takes to run Fourier?
> Sample session:
> n   = 2^20;
> xRe = Table[Random[],{i,n}];
> x1  = xRe+I 1.;
> x2  = xRe+I Table[1.,{i,n}];
> Timing[ y=Fourier[xRe]; ]  (* Real argument *)
> Timing[ y=Fourier[x1];  ]  (* Complex argument *)
> Timing[ y=Fourier[x2];  ]  (* Complex argument *)
> Max[ Abs[x1 - x2] ]
> FullForm[x1] - FullForm[x2]
> Max[ Abs[ Fourier[x1] - Fourier[x2] ] ]
> Out[1]= {1.86 Second,Null}
> Out[2]= {4.24 Second,Null}
> Out[3]= {10.03 Second,Null}
> Out[4]= 0.
> Out[5]= 0
> Out[6]= 0.
> I can understand the difference between Out[1] and
> Out[2], but what about Out[3]? Any ideas?
> (Where's my mistake? ;-) )
> TIA,
> --
> Martin Johansson
> Ericsson Microwave Systems
> m.johansson at

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