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RE: Charting question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg29656] RE: [mg29633] Charting question
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 02:20:18 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


One approach to this problem is to use the three argument form of Rectangle,
where the third argument is one of your chart plots, with DisplayFunction ->

Put the Rectangles inside a Show[Graphics[{...}]] statement.

You can lay out your rectangles in your display area just as you wish, one
for each plot. Use a Background in the Show statement to frame your plots.
One trick is that you have to adjust the AspectRatio of each plot to match
the aspect ratio of its rectangle. A complicating factor is that this works
only approximately because you have to account for space taken by the plot
labels. You may have to experiment a little to get something really nice.
You can also add text above or below the rectangles using Text statements.

David Park
djmp at

> From: brian [mailto:polar at]
To: mathgroup at
> I have a couple of questions on setting up multiple charts withinone
> cell.  Basically, I am contructing bar charts for commodities.  I have
> three modules set up ( BarChart, VolumeChart and OpenInterest)  which
> work fine individually.  What I want to do is set these charts with
> price the first chart and volume and open interest charts below the
> price chart.  I can do something similar to what I am looking for with
> Show[GraphicsArray[{{BarChart},{VolumeChart},{OpenInterest}}]] or with
> DisplayTogetherArray[{BarChart},{VolumeChart},{OpenInterest}] .
> However, when I try to use ImageSize to expand the viewing area the
> charts do not expand to take up the entire size used.  For example,
> ImageSize->{600,400} which I thought would make the charts appear like a
> landscape view does not work.  The charts are bigger but they do not
> expand lengthwise.
>     Second, is there a way to create two charts within one chart,
> similar to a subwindow?  If possible I would like to call
> BarChart,VolumeChart and OpenInterest and have the Barchart take up 60%
> of the graph are and Volume and OpenInterest each take up 20%.
>     Lastly, is there a way to plot two series in one chart using
> different values on the Y axis.  I have tried MultipleListPlot but it
> doesn't really do what I am looking for.  i want to be able to plot two
> value in one chart where one value may range from 0-100000 and the
> second value may range from 1-100.  I can do this in excel of FAME but I
> can't see how to do this in Mathematica.
> Thanks for any help on any of the questions you can provide.
> Brian Meehan

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