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plotting multiple polygons

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg29172] plotting multiple polygons
  • From: liu at (Xiangdong Liu)
  • Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 04:15:34 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Virginia Tech
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi again!

I have a set of points in ASCII file as follows:

x11  y11
x12  y12
x1n1 y1n1
x11  y11

x21  y21
x22  y22
x2n2 y2n2
x21  y21

x31  y31
x32  y32
x3n3 y3n3
x31  y31


Basically, there are multiple (and many many) groups of consecutive
lines of x and y coordinates of points, each group representing a
polygon and each group is separated by an empty line from other

I need to make one plot that shows all the polygons, unconnected one

If I do the following, I would get a plot that shows all the polygons
connected one another.

In[1]:= polygons = ReadList["asciiFile",Table[Number,{2}]];
In[2]:= ListPlot[polygons, PlotJoined->True];

Any simple way to draw standalone polygons in one plot?


Xiangdong Liu

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