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Re: roots

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg29399] Re: [mg29380] roots
  • From: BobHanlon at
  • Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 22:43:48 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In a message dated 2001/6/16 2:54:32 AM, maarten.vanderburgt at writes:

>What is the easiest solution to finding the 13 (real) roots of 0.05 x +
>Cos[x] == 0.
>I can be easily seen that there are 13 roots by plotting:
>Plot[{0.05 x,-Cos[x]},{x,-30,30}]
>but this is not sufficient for finding accurate numerical values.
>FindRoot only gives one value and it is hard to predict which root it will
>find with a specified start value:
>In[83]:= FindRoot[0.05 x  +Cos[x] == 0,{x,0}]
>Out[83]= {x -> -4.96317}
>There are three roots closer to 0 then x == -4.96317
>An NSolve only works for polynomials.
>Is there no simple way to find all roots of such an equation, eventually
>within a specified range.

Here is an approach

findAllRoots[eqn_, {x_Symbol, sp_?NumericQ}, 
      Interval[{xmin_?NumericQ, xmax_?NumericQ}], n_Integer?Positive, 
      opts___?OptionQ] := 
      {soln = {FindRoot[eqn, {x, sp}, opts]}, cr}, 
      While[Length[soln] < n, 
        cr = FindRoot[eqn, {x, Random[Real, {xmin, xmax}]}, opts];
        If[xmin <= (x/.cr) <= xmax, 
          soln = Union[Append[soln, cr], 
              SameTest -> (Abs[(x/.#1)-(x/.#2)]<10^-5&)]]];

expr = 0.05 x  +Cos[x];

nbrRoots = 13;

ans = findAllRoots[expr==0, {x, 0}, Interval[{-20, 18}], nbrRoots];

The maximum absolute error is

Max[Abs[expr /. ans]]


Plot[expr, {x, -26, 23}, PlotStyle -> RGBColor[0, 0, 1], 
    Epilog -> {AbsolutePointSize[4], RGBColor[1, 0, 0], 
        Point[{x,expr}] /.ans}];

Bob Hanlon
Chantilly, VA  USA

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