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Re: Exponential fit question.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg28012] Re: [mg27986] Exponential fit question.
  • From: Daniel Lichtblau <danl at>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 02:40:41 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

joe wrote:
> hello.
> I was wondering if someone could help me with the following problem.
> I am trying to perform an exponential fit to the following data
> {{x,y}}
> data
> ={{50,22},{64,62},{78,122},{93,269},{107,414},{122,507},{136,597}}
> Fit[data,Exp[x],x]
> what I get is
> 1.94272422061017735^-63 *E^x Which is not correct.
> With Excel I get 7.5*E^0.0034x which is correct.
> How can I do this with Mathematica ?
> Thanks.
> -Joseph.

I think you meant 7.5*E^(0.034x).

Fit does a linear fit (as per the usage message) and so cannot change
the exponent. You might instead use NonlinearFit in the Statistics`
standard add-on packages.

In[22]:= data =

In[23]:= <<Statistics`

In[24]:= InputForm[nlfit = NonlinearFit[data, a*Exp[b*x], x,
Out[24]//InputForm= 26.60756323602873*E^(0.023495962867351394*x)

Alternatively you can linearize by taking logarithms. This will distort
errors with respect to the original model, but all the same frequently
gives a good result, and it requires no guess as to starting points,
search regions, and the like.

In[25]:= data2 = Map[{#[[1]],Log[N[#[[2]]]]}&, data];

In[29]:= linfit = Fit[data2, {1,x}, x]
Out[29]= 1.65305 + 0.0379875 x

In[34]:= InputForm[origfit = Exp[linfit] /. E^(a_?NumberQ+b_):>E^a*E^b]
Out[34]//InputForm= 5.222891180611507*E^(0.037987454694543205*x)

The results below may give some feel for the accuracy of these various

In[35]:= Map[{#,nlfit/.x->#[[1]]}&, data]
Out[35]= {{{50, 22}, 86.1417}, {{64, 62}, 119.694}, {{78, 122},
  {{93, 269}, 236.588}, {{107, 414}, 328.739}, {{122, 507}, 467.642}, 
  {{136, 597}, 649.788}}

In[36]:= Map[{#,origfit/.x->#[[1]]}&, data]
Out[36]= {{{50, 22}, 34.8978}, {{64, 62}, 59.3973}, {{78, 122},
  {{93, 269}, 178.731}, {{107, 414}, 304.207}, {{122, 507}, 537.818}, 
  {{136, 597}, 915.385}}

In[37]:= Map[{#,7.5*E^(0.034x)/.x->#[[1]]}&, data]
Out[37]= {{{50, 22}, 41.0546}, {{64, 62}, 66.0824}, {{78, 122},
  {{93, 269}, 177.133}, {{107, 414}, 285.118}, {{122, 507}, 474.804}, 
  {{136, 597}, 764.256}}

Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research

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