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Re: Mathematica 4.0 installation problem

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg31003] Re: [mg30946] Mathematica 4.0 installation problem
  • From: "P.J. Hinton" <paulh at>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 02:44:28 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: "Wolfram Research, Inc."
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Gernot Buth wrote:

> Mathematica 4.0 did work perfectly fine for me under SuSE LINUX 7.1.
> After updating to 7.2, the command mathematica doesn't work any longer.
> Not a big problem - correcting the $PATH or aliasing solves it. math
> does work accordingly. However then we get when calling mathematica:
> Startup error: The Mathematica fonts are not properly installed in your
> system. Without these fonts, typeset mathematical expressions cannot be
> displayed properly. Exit - Continue«
> Clicking Continue repeats this error again an again. Exit aborts
> mathematica.
> This seems to be due to a missing or wrong xset command. I read the
> section on this issue in the System Administrators Guide, but on my
> system xset q results in /opt/kde2/share/fonts/override,...(lots of
> stuff),/opt/mathematica/SystemFiles/Fonts/Type1,/opt/mathematica/SystemF
> iles/Fonts/X
> which seems to be o.k.
> Also xset fp- ...(see above), xset fp+ ... has no effect.
> Re-installing Mathematica doesn't help.
> The links to FAQs on the Wolfram Research website don't work
> What have I possibly done wrong? Thank you for hints.
> System Information: Mathematica 4.0 under KDE 2.1.2, SuSE LINUX 7.2,
> Kernel 2.4.4, machine i686.

In determining the fonts available to the X server, the front end uses the
standard Xlib function XListFonts().  This function requires an argument
that specifies the maximum number of fonts to be returned by the call.
The front end does not know a-priori how many fonts there are, so it uses
a number specified in a front end configuration file.  The setting resides
in SystemFiles/FrontEnd/TextResources/X/, and it looks
something like this.

@@resource maxForXListFonts

Changing this number to a higher value will increase the number of fonts
returned by the call, but it also increases the memory requirements of the
front end.

At the time this file was first written, 2000 was a reasonable value.  As
time has progressed, Linux distributions have increased the number of
possible fonts that can be installed, primarily for the purposes of
supporting a wide number of locales.  If one does an
everything-but-the-kitchen-sink install, there's a good chance that the
number of fonts will far exceed this value.  You may need to edit this
file and increase the number.  Future releases of Mathematica will use a
much larger value.

P.J. Hinton
User Interface Programmer                         paulh at
Wolfram Research, Inc.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those of the author alone.

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