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What is the best approach to solving the following set of equations ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg31247] What is the best approach to solving the following set of equations ?
  • From: rbg_gis at (Raul Balbuena)
  • Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 04:53:25 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

What is the best approach to solving the following set of equations ?    

Solve for Ci, meaning (C1, C2, C3, C4)

V1   =   (C1*R1G1)   +   (C2*L1G1)  +   (C3*T1G1)  +   (C4*G1)   
V2   =   (C1*R2G2)   +   (C2*L2G2)  +   (C3*T2G2)  +   (C4*G2)    
V3   =   (C1*R3G3)   +   (C2*L3G4)  +   (C3*T3G3)  +   (C4*G3)   
V4   =   (C1*R4G4)   +   (C2*L3G4)  +   (C3*T4G4)  +   (C4*G4)   

Where Ri, Li, Ti, Gi are known values:

Subject to:

SUM  (C1 * RiGi)  =    5 * SUM  (C2 * LiGi)
 (i=1,4)		    (i=1,4)

SUM  (C1 * RiGi)  =   10 * SUM  (C3 * TiGi)
 (i=1,4)           	    (i=1,4)

Gi is always Greater Than 1 and Less Than 1.6 

Thanks in advance,

Raul Balbuena 
Rbg_gis at

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