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Export table problem

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg30891] Export table problem
  • From: maarten.vanderburgt at
  • Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 02:16:31 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Below I generate a table of numbers, which I round to get numbers with 2
decimals precision. I want to export them in a ascii file. In my output
file I get some numbers like  1.4000000000000001 instead of simply 1.4.
Where does this extra  0.0000000000000001 come from? Is this a bug? How can
I get rid of it without editing my file.?

Thanks for your help

Maarten van der Burgt


When I open  table.txt I see:
1.    0.2                  0.33
2.    0.4                  0.67
3.    0.6                  1.
4.    0.8                  1.33
5.    1.                   1.67
6.    1.2                  2.
7.    1.4000000000000001   2.33
8.    1.6                  2.67
9.    1.8                  3.
10.   2.                   3.33
11.   2.2                  3.67
12.   2.4                  4.
13.   2.6                  4.33
14.   2.8000000000000003   4.67
15.   3.                   5.
16.   3.2                  5.33
17.   3.4                  5.67
18.   3.6                  6.
19.   3.8000000000000003   6.33
20.   4.                   6.67

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