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Notebook question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg35871] Notebook question
  • From: "Thomas J. Fararo" <tjf2+ at>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 06:00:51 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


      I am still relatively new to Mathematica so please take this into
account in reacting to this perhaps simple question.

      Namely, suppose I have written some code in a given notebook, saved
it, and then exited in and closed Matheamtica.Later I restart Mathematica
and open the same notebook.  Am I supposed to take some particular step
before continuing my work?

        To be concrete, suppose I have a Do loop with some parameter p that
previously I had set at p = 10 and now (in restarting) I want to return to
the Do loop and replace the 10 with another number, and then evaluate the
cell, e.g., to display a bar chart for a list determined by the new value.
My experience, as limited as it is, is that this doesn't work unless I
go up to the top of that notebook and re-evaluate all the cells leading
up to the Do loop.  Yet, it is doubtful that this is what experienced
Mathematica users do -- so what steps should one take in order to have
total continuity from day 1 to day 2, say, in developing and evaluating
code in a given notebook?

       Thanks very much for any help.


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