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RE: Re: RE: Notebook for Primes

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg36069] RE: [mg36056] Re: [mg36023] RE: [mg35992] Notebook for Primes
  • From: "DrBob" <majort at>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 02:36:20 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: <drbob at>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I wrote a very slow implementation of the new algorithm... not the kind
of implementation they had in mind.  I slapped it together quickly.

The first step of the algorithm, for instance, says something like, "If
n is of the form a^b for b>1, then return COMPOSITE".  Well, I looped
through b from 2 to Log[2,n], calculated root=IntegerPart[n^(1/b)] for
each, and checked whether Mod[n,root]==0.  There is undoubtedly a more
efficient method, and I haven't studied the paper at length to see if
they describe one.  Possibly my larger mistake has to do with taking
(x-a)^r.  I need to check binomial coefficients one at a time instead,
to avoid calculating the ones I don't need.  So... I don't have a good

Still, my implementation took 17 seconds on my 2.2GHz machine to check
odd numbers up to only 70.  It needs to be a thousand times that fast to
compete with the Sieve of Eratosthenes.  (But maybe my implementation IS
that bad!)

Also... despite all the smarter algorithms today, the Sieve is still a
great (perhaps necessary) component of a real strategy to identify
primes.  The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, for instance, uses a
modified Sieve.  I don't know the details but, at the very least,
software using idle cycles on my machine doesn't have to worry about
numbers that have already been checked elsewhere.

Bobby Treat

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrzej Kozlowski [mailto:andrzej at] 
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg36069] Re: [mg36056] Re: [mg36023] RE: [mg35992] Notebook for Primes

I was much too simple minded in my assessments of all the algorithms 
mentioned below .I should have known it's not as simple as it seemed  
but after all its only a hobby:). The complexity of the Sieve of 
Erasthoteness is well known to be O(n) (this is stated, for example, in 
Knuth,  "The Art of Computer Programming", vol 3, p. 617).  The 
Miller-Rabin algorithm has complexity O(log(n)^5) (not log(n)^2), 
assuming the GRH is true. (It is also deterministic). The Agrawal, Kayal

and Saxenaalgorithm has a proven complexity of O(log(n)^12) and a 
conjectured running time of O(log(n)^6). The the sieve is certainly not 
even a contender. However, as for practical implementation, it seems to 
me that Miller-Rabin is clearly preferable. If the GRH is true it is 
faster than the new one. And if you find it running slow ... well that's

even better ...


On Wednesday, August 14, 2002, at 06:35  PM, Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:

> Well, this depends on the meaning of "polynomial" time. The running
> of the Sieve of Eratosthenes is Sqt[n], but time  complexity in the
> of prime testing is always expressed in terms of log[n], so the sieve
> considered exponential.  I think the fastest deterministic test is the
> Rabin-Miller which is (I am not quite sure of that)  Log[n]^2, but it
> depends on the unproved Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. Agrawal, Kayal
> and Saxena give a Log[n]^12 algorithm, but they also give a complete
> proof of its correctness. I have not read their paper but assuming
> it is correct, the algorithm is certainly much faster than the sieve.
> the other hand the GRH is most probably true...
> On Tuesday, August 13, 2002, at 06:22  PM, DrBob wrote:
>> The oldest algorithm for testing primes... the Sieve of
>> is polynomial and deterministic.  It's simply too slow to use, just 
>> like
>> the one at the attachment.
>> Bobby
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jeff Dillon [mailto:jeffdi at]
To: mathgroup at
>> Subject: [mg36069] [mg36056] [mg36023] [mg35992] Notebook for Primes
>> Is there a publicly available Mathematica 3.0 notebook that
>> the Primes is in P?
Andrzej Kozlowski
Toyama International University

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