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Re: "a[A_,B_] :=" Does not assign variables properly. Why?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg36158] Re: [mg36141] "a[A_,B_] :=" Does not assign variables properly. Why?
  • From: Omega Consulting <omega_consulting at>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 21:34:49 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 11:25 PM 8/22/2002, Jason Welter wrote:
>Here's a piece of a conversion I had with Mathematica.
>Why is "a[A_,B_] := LinearSolve[X,Y][[1]]" not giving
>me the function I expect?
>In[261]:= X = {{0,0,0,1},{1,0,0,1},{0,1,0,1},{1,1,1,1}};
>In[262]:= Y = {A,B,C,D};
>In[263]:= LinearSolve[X,Y]
>Out[263]= {-A+B,-A+C,A-B-C+D,A}
>In[264]:= LinearSolve[X,Y][[1]]
>Out[264]= -A+B
>In[265]:= a[A_,B_] := LinearSolve[X,Y][[1]]
>In[266]:= a[1,3]
>Out[266]= -A+B
>The output above is not what I want.  I want "2".  Here's
>what I expect:
>In[267]:= a[A_,B_] := -A+B;
>In[268]:= a[1,3]
>Out[268]= 2
>This output is what I expect.  What is the difference between
>the two?

This is a common misconception about what := does. What it does is set up a 
variable replacement for the unevaluated expression, not the evaluated 
expression. So

a[A_,B_] := LinearSolve[X,Y][[1]]

is similar to doing

   Hold[ LinearSolve[X,Y][[1]] ] /. {A->1, B->3}

which means that only explicit instances of A and B are replaced. What you 
are attempting is done with =. This assigns the function to the evaluated 

In[5]:=a[A_,B_] = LinearSolve[X,Y][[1]]


There are certain situations where you get a different result if you 
evaluate with the values or replace the values in the symbolic evaluation. 
(This example is not one of them.) Using = does the later. If you want to 
do the former, you should use := and have the right hand side use A and B 
explicitly or you could use a Block.

In[7]:=a[b_,c_] := Block[{A=b, B=c}, LinearSolve[X,Y][[1]] ]


Omega Consulting
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