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Re: Export and ImageSize

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg36300] Re: [mg36187] Export and ImageSize
  • From: Dale Horton <daleh at>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 01:19:27 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 03:16 AM 8/26/2002, Selwyn Hollis wrote:
>I'm finding that the ImageSize option in Export has no effect when
>exporting Cell or Notebook objects. For instance, the following two
>commands produce precisely the same graphic:
>   Export["image1.jpg", Cell["Some cell contents", "Text", FontSize -> 100]]
>   Export["image2.jpg", Cell["Some cell contents", "Text", FontSize ->
>100], ImageSize -> {576, 288}]
>Has anyone encountered this problem before?
>(This is with Mathematica 4.1.5 and Mac OS X.)
>Selwyn Hollis
>slhollis at

Export takes two options that control the size of a graphic, ImageSize and 
ImageResolution. The difference is sometimes subtle. ImageSize changes the 
coordinates while ImageResolution changes the size of objects. This may 
sound like the same thing, but they're actually different.

If I have a plot with a line. Changing ImageSize changes the location of 
the points in the line, which may make the line shorter or longer, but the 
thickness is unchanged (if it is an AbsoluteThichness). ImageResolution 
draws the image with a different number of pixels, so lengths and 
thicknesses are changed. The same is true with fonts.

Why does it matter? Because there is no equivalent to ImageSize for cells 
or notebooks. However, Magnification is a good equivalent of 
ImageResolution. So ImageSize does nothing, but ImageResolution does.

In[1]:= cont=Cell["Some cell contents", "Text", FontSize -> 100]

In[2]:= Show@ImportString[ExportString[cont, "JPEG"], "JPEG"]

In[3]:= Show@ImportString[ExportString[cont, "JPEG", ImageResolution 
->72*3/2], "JPEG"]


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