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Re: How to call BinomialDistribution from within a package?[2]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg32242] Re: How to call BinomialDistribution from within a package?[2]
  • From: "Allan Hayes" <hay at>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 03:17:40 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <a1blv0$bd3$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On re-reading I  notice that you need to remove   bdist, cdf   from
Block[{...}] since this is blocking the definitions that you made earlier.

Also, I missed a quote out from "Statistics`Common`DistributionsCommon`". I
have corrected this at (A) below.

But, perhaps of more interest, is that we can avoid having to look inside
needed packages to find *their* needed packages (as we have to do with
method (2) below) by beginning the package thus:


This is called "hidden import" because it will not make the needed packages
"Statistics`DiscreteDistributions`" and "Statistics`DescriptiveStatistics`"
usable outside the package "MedianCI`" -- they couold of course be loaded

I should be interested to hear a arguments for and against the two

(A)  [earlier response - corrected at (**)]

I suspect that the problem arises as follows

If we lool at the packages
we find that their working code begins with




For them to work inside your package you need to include all *their* needed
packages as needed packages for your packages , thus:

     "Statistics`Common`DistributionsCommon`",   (**)


Allan Hayes
Mathematica Training and Consulting
Leicester UK
hay at
Voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
Fax: +44 (0)870 164 0565

"Merser" <merser at> wrote in message
news:a1blv0$bd3$1 at
> I've tried to put the my function: MedianCI  into a package.
> As this function works fine running as a plain notebook, it looks like
> BinomialDistribution[] isn't working when called from within a package?
> Does anybody has any idear what I'm doing wrong here ? I'm running
> Mathematica 4.0 on W2K.
> regards
> Soren
> BeginPackage["MedianCI`", "Statistics`DiscreteDistributions`",
> "Statistics`DescriptiveStatistics`"]
> Off[General::spell1];
> MedianCI::usage = "MedianCI[data, conf=.95] Returns median with CI at
> confidence level=95%"
> Begin["`Private`"]
> bdist[n_] := BinomialDistribution[n, .5]
> cdf[x_, n_] := CDF[bdist[n], x]
> Clear[MedianCI];
> MedianCI[data_, conf_:.95] :=
>   Block[ {d, n, bdist, cdf, alfa, p, plo, phi, lo = 0, hi},
>     d = Sort[data];
>     n = Length[d];
>     alfa = (1 - conf)/2;
>     While[(p = cdf[lo, n]) < alfa,
>        lo++;
>        plo = p;
>       ];
>     hi = lo + 1;
>     While[(phi = cdf[hi, n]) < (1 - alfa),
>        hi++;
>        ];
>     m =Median[d];
>     {{"Median", "CI low", "CI high", "Confidence level"},
>       {m, d[[lo]], d[[hi + 1]], phi - plo}}
>     ]
> End[]
> EndPackage[]
> test:
> Median[Range[11]] // TableForm
> {{"Median", "CI low", "CI high", "Confidence level"},
> {6, List,  2, -MedianCI`Private`plo +
> MedianCI`Private`CDF[BinomialDistribution[11, 0.5`], 1]}}
> correct:
> {{"Median", "CI low", "CI high", "Confidence level"},
>       {6, 2, 10, 0.988281}}

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