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Re: File Import

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg32582] Re: [mg32530] File Import
  • From: Dale Horton <daleh at>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 03:18:57 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 01:58 AM 1/25/2002, Yas wrote:
>Dera Mathgroup,
>I have a bunch of files with name pattern, abX_pattern1_pattern2.txt. I
>would like to Import many of these files, operate on them and then save
>the output to another file.
>1. How do I go about writing something in Mathematica which will import
>the files by recognising the patterns. In the above pattern1 is an
>integer and pattern2 contains a numbers and the letter o (e.g pattern2 =
>0o5 or 0o1) automatically. An example from my notebook is as follows,
>w8 = Import["ttX_1000_0o5.txt", "Table"];

This will recognize anything for the two patterns:

fns = FileNames["*X_*_*.txt"]

Map[Import[#, "Table"]&, fns]

If you want to make sure that the * are of the type that you want, then you 
need to do some more complicated tests.

testfileQ[str_] :=
Module[{chars=Characters[str], pattern},
   pattern = {_, _, "X", "_", p1___?DigitQ, "_", x___?DigitQ, "o",
     y___?DigitQ, ".", "t", "x", "t"};
   MatchQ[chars, pattern]

Then, you can use

fns = Select[FileNames[], testfileQ]

>2. After this I operate on the data which produces an output of two
>numbers l, and m. I want to write these output values to a file as
>columns of l, m, pattern1, pattern2, with pattern 2 converted to a
>number ( in the example above, 0o5 to 0.5 say), then move on to the next
>file and so forth.

infofromfiles[str_] :=
Module[{chars=Characters[str], pattern, pat1, pat2, i, m},
   pattern = {_, _, "X", "_", p1___?DigitQ, "_", x___?DigitQ, "o",
     y___?DigitQ, ".", "t", "x", "t"};
   {pat1, pat2} = chars/.pattern :> {StringJoin[p1], StringJoin[x, ".", y]};
   data = Import[str, "Table"];
(* You need to define this function *)
   {i, m} = MyOperationOnTheData[data];
   {i,m, pat1, pat2}

fns = Select[FileNames[], testfileQ];
out = infofromfiles/@fns;
Export["results.txt", out, "Table"]

>Any help will be appreciated.


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