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RE: GridLines - Color of GridLines

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg33278] RE: [mg33250] GridLines - Color of GridLines
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 03:14:48 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


You have to construct the list containing each grid line and its associated
color, even if the color is the same for all the grid lines. You can do it
this way:


Plot[x^2, {x, -2, 2},
    Frame -> True,
    GridLines -> {Table[{i, {Gray}}, {i, -2, 2}],
        Table[{i, {Gray}}, {i, 0, 4}]},
    Axes -> None,
    PlotLabel -> "Colored Grid Lines",
    ImageSize -> 400];

The documentation on GridLines appears to be incorrect and incomplete.
First, the default grid line color does not come out LightBlue as the Help
documentation says. Secondly, each grid line style must be inside brackets,
{}, even if the style is only a single color specification. (Maybe the
reason the default doesn't come out LightBlue is that the implementers fell
into the last trap.)

David Park
djmp at

> From: maxao [mailto:maxao at]
To: mathgroup at
> Hello out there,
> can anybody help me to get e.g. red or grey Gridlines?
> You can use the attached example.
> [Contact the author to get the example - moderator]
> Thank you for help,
> Martin

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