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RE: Rolling up some integers

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg33432] RE: [mg33404] Rolling up some integers
  • From: "Wolf, Hartmut" <Hartmut.Wolf at>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 09:27:12 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

> -----Original Message-----
> From: DIAMOND Mark R. [mailto:dot at]
To: mathgroup at
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:53 AM
> To: mathgroup at
> Subject: [mg33432] [mg33404] Rolling up some integers
> Can anyone see an easy way of  putting a fiven list of n^2 
> integers into an
> n*n matrix along the diagonals---could be either not-snaking 
> (preferred)
> snaking. The *ordering*, but not necessarily the integers 
> themselves, would
> be
> 1 3 6
> 2 5 8
> 4 7 9
> I would call this non-snaking, or  the following, snaking.
> 1 2 6
> 3 5 7
> 4 8 9
> Please note,.
> It occurred to me that this might be possible by first 
> partitioning into
> ascending and descending size lists representing each 
> diagonal, but aside
> from constructing an explicit secondary matrix of indices, I can't see
> another way of doing it.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> --
> Mark R. Diamond
> No spam email ROT13: znexq at cfl.hjn.rqh.nh
> No crawler web page ROT13 uggc://jjj.cfl.hjn.rqh.nh/hfre/znexq

generate a matrix of indices to cast your data into the appropriate form.


    With[{zzz = Rest[FoldList[Plus,0,Range[2*n]]]-
         Join[Table[0,{n}], Rest[FoldList[Plus,0,2*Range[n]-1]]]},

{{ 1, 3, 6,10,15,21,28},
 { 2, 5, 9,14,20,27,34},
 { 4, 8,13,19,26,33,39},
 { 7,12,18,25,32,38,43},

Then bring your list of data, e.g.


 (m[[#]]&)/@hatchx //MatrixForm

to the "hatched" form.

If you prefer the snakes, generate different indices:

 (snakex = 
        If[(-1)^(Plus @@ #2) === 1, #1, 
            hatchx[[Sequence@@Reverse[#2] ]] ] &, 
        hatchx, {2}]) // MatrixForm

A different, more straightforward variant based on list processing would be:

 hatchx = Module[
    {r = Rest[FoldList[{#1[[2]]+1,#1[[2]]+#2}&,{0,0},Range[n]]],
     rr, rawx}, 
     rr = -Reverse /@ Rest[Reverse[r]]; 

     rawx = Join[
        (PadLeft[Take[Range[n^2], #1], n]&) /@ r,
        (PadRight[Take[Range[n^2], #1], n]&) /@ rr]; 

     rawx[[#1 - 1 + Range[n],-#1]]& /@ Range[n]

 snakex = Module[
    {r = Rest[FoldList[{#1[[2]]+1,#1[[2]]+#2}&,{0, 0},Range[n]]],
     rr, rawx},
     rr = (-1)*Reverse /@ Rest[Reverse[r]];

     rawx = Join[
           If[(-1)^(#2[[1]]-1) === 1, Identity, Reverse][Take[Range[n^2],
           n] &, r], 
           If[(-1)^#2[[1]] === 1, Identity, Reverse][Take[Range[n^2], #1]],
           n] &, rr]];
     rawx[[#1 - 1 + Range[n], -#1]]& /@ Range[n]


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