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Re: Canonical Polynomial Form w. resp. to certain Variables

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg34096] Re: [mg34067] Canonical Polynomial Form w. resp. to certain Variables
  • From: BobHanlon at
  • Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 03:49:47 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In a message dated 5/1/02 9:56:58 AM, dmueller at 

>I face the following Problem:
>Given a polynomial, say (a + b + n + x)*n,
>and a List of given Variables, say:
>I want to have the same Polynomial in canonical
>form as a Sum of Monomials in the given 
>The desired Result is
>(a+b) n + n x + n^2
>where the given Variables are expanded and the
>coefficients independent of this Variables are
>collected as coefficients of the Monomials.
>Collect[(a + b + n + x)*n, x_ /; MemberQ[OreVariables, x]]
>n^2 + n(a + b + x)
>wich is "not expanded enough"
>Expand[(a + b + n + x)*n, x_ /; MemberQ[OreVariables, x]]
>a n + b n + n^2 + n x
>wich is "to expanded".
>(To make Things worse, this is an Operation that will be used 
>often (and on big Polynomials) and hence is a bit 
>time-critical ...)
>( The Goal is, do isolate the canonical Summands of an Expression, i.e.
>Ex2Pol[(x+n+b)^3-(x-n+b)^3] -> 
>Poly[Summand[2 n^2],Summand[6 n x^2], Summand[12 b n x],Summand[6 b^2
>Any Ideas?


Collect[multinom, OreVariables]

n^2 + (a + b)*n + x*n

Bob Hanlon
Chantilly, VA  USA

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