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Re: HTMLSave and Heading

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg34352] Re: [mg34207] HTMLSave and Heading
  • From: Dale Horton <daleh at>
  • Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 05:08:37 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 04:16 AM 5/9/2002, Alexandre Costa wrote:

>Dear Group
>I am trying to make some html pages using the HTMLSave function.
>For example, I have these set of cells:
>Cell 1:
>Cell["Title", "Title"]
>Cell 2:
>Basic equations
>More text...
>\>", "Section1"]
>Cell 3:
>Cell[BoxData["\n"], "NumberedEquation"]
>Cell 4:
>Cell[BoxData["\n"], "NumberedEquation"]
>The prototype for "Section1" is given by:
>   PageWidth->PaperWidth,
>   CellFrame->{{0, 0}, {0.25, 0}},
>   ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon->True,
>   CellMargins->{{5, 30}, {5, 5}},
>   CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping", 40},
>   PageBreakBelow->False,
>   CellFrameLabels->{{Cell[
>           TextData[ {
>             CounterBox[ "Section1"], ".  "}]], None}, {
>       None, None}},
>   InputAutoReplacements->{"TeX"->StyleBox[
>           RowBox[ {"T",
>             AdjustmentBox[
>             "E", BoxMargins -> {{-0.075, -0.085}, {0, 0}},
>               BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5], "X"}]],
>       "LaTeX"->StyleBox[
>           RowBox[ {"L",
>             StyleBox[
>               AdjustmentBox[
>               "A", BoxMargins -> {{-0.36, -0.1}, {0, -0}},
>                 BoxBaselineShift -> -0.2], FontSize ->
>               Smaller], "T",
>             AdjustmentBox[
>             "E", BoxMargins -> {{-0.075, -0.085}, {0, 0}},
>               BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5], "X"}]],
>       "mma"->"Mathematica", "Mma"->"Mathematica",
>       "MMA"->"Mathematica"},
>   CounterIncrements->"Section1",
>   CounterAssignments->{{"Section2", 0}, {"Section3", 0}, {
>       "Equation", 0}, {"Definition", 0}, {"Theorem", 0}, {
>       "Example", 0}},
>   FontFamily->"Helvetica",
>   FontSize->14,
>   FontWeight->"Bold"]
>I have 3 simple questions:
>First: I want the automatic numbered "1" be in the same line of the
>string "Basic Equations".
>I.e. :
>        1. Basic Equations
>           More text...
>           ...
>I have 2 simple questions regarding the HTML conversion:
>Second: - I want to convert Cell 2 to HTML in such way that I keep the
>same typesetting shown on the mathematica frontend. How can it be done?
>Third: - How can I have the correct numbered equations for Cells 3 and 4
>  after convert
>them to HTML ?
>Any clue about any of these questions, are very welcome.
>                                 Cheers,
>                                Alexandre Costa

The 1st and 3rd questions are along the same lines, but have slightly 
different solutions.

Question 1 is "How do I show an automatic counter in a text-like cell?"
Question 3 is "How do I show  an automatic counter in a input-like (i.e. 
StandardForm) cell?"

Because different mechanisms are used for the 2 kinds of cells, the 
solution is slightly different. First, get the notebook as a NotebookObject 
or Notebook expression. A simple way to do this is to extract the 
NotebookObject out of the list of open nbs.


For input-like cells the default counter value is used when generating 
GIFs. We need a way to tell the fe to change the default for the counter.

setnumeq[num_] :=
   SetOptions[$FrontEnd, CounterAssignments->{{"NumberedEquation",num}}]

Then, we can use "MarkupRules" to specify what to wrap around each cell. 
For text-like cells, we insert the number. For input-like cells, we reset 
the counter at each cell. Note, :> is used to make the counter increment 
each time the rule is used (-> will only increment the first time it's 
used). Finally, we reset the default counters so that the numbering is 
correct in the fe.

           "NumberedEquation":>{setnumeq[numeqcounter++];"<p>", "</p>"}
SetOptions[$FrontEnd, CounterAssignments->{}]

For Question 2, there are several ways to represent typesetting in HTML. 
This is done through the "MathOutput" ConversionOption. The default is 
"GIF" which uses graphics. If you want text in your HTML, you can try 
InputForm and DisplayForm. But since HTML is very limited in it's 
typesetting, these may not be what you want. There is also "MathML", which 
uses an XML syntax to represent typesetting. MathML is gaining acceptance 
as the standard for representing math on the web and support for it is 
growing rapidly.


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