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Re: Why is importing the table into Mathematica so slow???

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg37877] Re: [mg37864] Why is importing the table into Mathematica so slow???
  • From: "Johannes Ludsteck" <johannes.ludsteck at>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 01:15:45 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Universitaet Regensburg
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear Jia,
the Import function of Mathematica is very slow. If 
all entries in your Matrix have the same type, you can 
use ReadList["file",Table[Number,{750}]]. This is may 
be hundred times faster.
If your entries have different types, use
Then all entries are read as strings. You can convert 
the Strings containing numbers then with ToExpression.
Applying ToExpression for the non-numeric rows or
colums will also be much faster (probably by a factor 
of 100).

Best regards

On 15 Nov 2002 at 1:36, Jia Guo wrote:

> Hi,
> I currently have such a problem in Mathematica: 
> I have a matrix of size 750*750. It is in a file and I will import the
> file to Mathematica using the command: g = Import ["matrix.dat",
> "Table"].
> However, it took me over 2 hours to import and display the numbers in
> the notebook. But the transpose and reverse operations to the matrix
> are really fast: 4-5 seconds. I translated the matrix into a graph and
> when I was going to export it, the same problem happened. It slowed
> down again.
> Does anybody know what should I do to avoid the big overhead?
> Thank you!
> Jia

Johannes Ludsteck
Economics Department
University of Regensburg
Universitaetsstrasse 31
93053 Regensburg
Phone +49/0941/943-2741

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