MathGroup Archive 2002

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Re: Choosing between Mathematica for Windows and Linux

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg36931] Re: Choosing between Mathematica for Windows and Linux
  • From: "Dr. David Kirkby" <drkirkby at>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 03:32:37 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: University College London.
  • References: <amh36l$9f8$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Sidney Cadot wrote:
> Hi group,
> One of these days the company I work for will buy one Mathematica 4.2
> license. Now we will have to choose between either the Linux or the Windows
> versions of the product.
> Our Linux systems are Debian based, running 2.4.19 kernels, and the KDE-2
> window manager. Our Windows systems are running on top of VMWare in Windows
> XP Professional.
> In testing using an evaluation version I found that the VMWare/XP version is
> performing pretty well so that wouldn't be an issue.
> My main concern (and probably the grounds on which we will base our
> decision) is the quality of the front-end. The Windows frontend works
> flawlessly; however, in test-driving earlier versions of Mathematica (3.0
> and 4.0) on Linux, I found that the front-end was working a lot less
> satisfactorily. I didn't spend much time to hunt down the source of the
> problem, but it is probable that some X key-mapping was wrong making, for
> example, keyboard shortcuts for 'Copy' and 'Paste' malfunctioning. On the
> whole, I'd say the Linux front-end simply felt less robust than does the
> Windows frontend.
> Can anybody please tell me whether they got the Linux 4.2 Front-end working
> to full satisfaction? I'd be willing to spend a couple of hours to fix some
> settings, but only if I'm sure it could be done. The bottom line is that I I
> would much prefer to run Mathematica on Linux instead of VMWare/Windows, but
> not if that would mean putting up with a quircky front-end.

For what it is worth, I have no problems with the front end under Solaris -
another varient of Unix.  
Dr. David Kirkby PhD,
email: drkirkby at 
web page:
Amateur radio callsign: G8WRB

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