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RE: List processing

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg37241] RE: [mg37196] List processing
  • From: "Wolf, Hartmut" <Hartmut.Wolf at>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 05:17:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Leary [mailto:leary at]
To: mathgroup at
>Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 8:26 PM
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: [mg37241] [mg37196] List processing
>This problem can be solved by conventional programming, but I 
>wonder if 
>there is an elegant Mathematica solution ?
>A list contains pairs of values, with each pair representing 
>the lower and 
>upper edge of a sub-range.  Some of the sub-ranges partially 
>overlap, some 
>fully overlap, others don't overlap at all.  The problem is to 
>produce a 
>second list that contains the overall upper and lower edges of the 
>overlapping sub-ranges.
>A simple example :  {{100,200},{150,250},{120,270},{300,400}}  
>would result 
>in {{100,270},{300,400}}.
>In the real case, the input list has several hundred elements and the 
>output list typically has five elements.
>I have a working solution based on loops, but there must be a 
>more elegant 
>one.  I would be very grateful for any suggestions.
>Best regards
>John Leary


several proposals (without any attempt to moduralize):

(1) use IntervalUnion:
List @@ IntervalUnion @@ Interval /@ list

(2) use Split (it's a little bit tricky to be correct):

high = Sequence[];
{#[[1, 1]], Max[#[[All, -1]]]} & /@ 
        (high = Max[high,Last[#1]]) >= First[#2] || (high = Last[#1])&]

(3) procedural programming:

maxExtends[list_] := (sl = Sort[list];
    length = Length[sl]; r = collect[]; i = 1;
    While[i <= length,
      {low, high} = sl[[i]];
      If[++i <= length,
        {curlow, curhigh} = sl[[i]]; 
        While[high >= curlow && (high = Max[high, curhigh]; ++i <= length),
          {curlow, curhigh} = sl[[i]] ]]; 
      r = collect[r, {low, high}] ];
    List @@ Flatten[r])

Let's do some benchmarks:

10,000 Intervals:

list = {# - Random[], # + Random[]} & /@ NestList[# + Random[] &, 0, 10000];

List @@ IntervalUnion @@ Interval /@ list // Length // Timing
{2.503 Second, 1181}

high = Sequence[];
{#[[1, 1]], Max[#[[All, -1]]]} & /@ 
          list], (high = Max[high, Last[#1]]) >= 
              First[#2] || (high = Last[#1]) &] // Length // Timing
{2.934 Second, 1181}

maxExtends[list] // Length // Timing
{3.926 Second, 1181}

The corresponding results for 100,000 Intervals:

{27.329 Second, 11266}
{30.234 Second, 11266}
{35.791 Second, 11266}

and for 500,000 Intervals

{144.058 Second, 56728}
{154.782 Second, 56728}
{181.111 Second, 56728}

To look at scaling behaviour I just collected the prior results

{%355, %345 , %350}[[All, 1, 1]]
{2.503, 27.329, 144.058}

% // {#[[2]]/(10*#[[1]]), #[[3]]/(5*#[[2]])} &
{1.09185, 1.05425}

{%357, %347, %352}[[All, 1, 1]]
{2.934, 30.234, 154.782}
% // {#[[2]]/(10*#[[1]]), #[[3]]/(5*#[[2]])} &
{1.03047, 1.02389}

{%358, %348, %353}[[All, 1, 1]]
{3.926, 35.791, 181.111}
% // {#[[2]]/(10*#[[1]]), #[[3]]/(5*#[[2]])} &
{0.91164, 1.01205}

Due to Sort, the Split and the Procedural versions should behave as O[n log
n], I'm not shure whether IntervalUnion does (seems to be a little bit more
progressive at costs).

Hartmut Wolf

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