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Re: Different EPS exported file from frontend and kernel

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg37399] Re: [mg37376] Different EPS exported file from frontend and kernel
  • From: Nevin Kapur <nevin at>
  • Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 02:04:06 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

"P.J. Hinton" <paulh at> writes:


>> Furthermore, the eps file produced by the frontend cannot be used with
>> dvips: I get the error
>>   dvips: ! Couldn't find header file Mathematica2Mono.pfb
>> Indeed, this file does not exist on my system.
>> I _think_ I have followed all the instructions from Jens-Peer Juska's
>> "The Mathematica Virtual Font Package" document distributed with
>> Mathematica but that doesn't seem to help.
> Try configuring DVIPS so that it includes the path to the Type 1 
> Mathematica fonts.

I thought I already did that by following the instructions in the Font
pack documentation.

> On your system, the fonts should be located in a directory with a path
> that can be determined by evaluating the following expression in a kernel:
> ToFileName[{$TopDirectory, "SystemFiles", "Fonts", "Type1"}]

Yes, they certainly are.

> This directory contains ASCII (.pfa) versions of the fonts, but DVIPS
> should be capable of handling these fonts as well as their binary
> equivalents.

These seems to be the root of the problem.  The file

contains lines like

Mathematica2Mono Mathematica2Mono <Mathematica2Mono.pfb

and that leads to the error I describe above.  If I change that to

Mathematica2Mono Mathematica2Mono <Mathematica2Mono.pfa

then I no longer get the error.  As you noted, the ASCII versions of
the font are present on my system.  I'm not sure this is the
"right" fix since I don't understand dvips' font handling mechanism.

Thank you for your help.


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