RE: Getting hierarchies of partitions (correction & continue)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg36531] RE: [mg36511] Getting hierarchies of partitions (correction & continue)
- From: "DrBob" <drbob at>
- Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 03:27:52 -0400 (EDT)
- Reply-to: <drbob at>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
I don't know about elegance or simplicity, but I do have a FASTER solution, incidentally using combinations code that often comes in handy for me. Here's that code: << DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`; ClearAll[combinations]; r = Range[1, 9]; combinations::usage = "combinations[list,n:{__Integer}] lists the combinations of list taken n at a time"; combinations[r_List, n_Integer, {}] := If[n > Length@r, {}, \ DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`KSubsets[r, n]]; combinations[r_List, n_Integer, e_?VectorQ] := Join[e, #] & /@ \ DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`KSubsets[Complement[r, e], n]; combinations[r_List, n_Integer, e : {__?VectorQ}] := Flatten[combinations[r, n, #] & /@ e, 1]; combinations[r_List, n : {__Integer}] := Which[Plus @@ n == Length@r, Join[#, Complement[r, #]] & /@ combinations[r, Drop[n, -1]], Plus @@ n > \ Length@r, {}, True, Fold[combinations[r, #2, #1] &, {}, n]] The following duplicates your fLPartitions function, but is about 40% faster and uses about 15% less memory (for this example): Quit << "DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`" fLPartition[ksN_, r_] := With[{ks = KSubsets[ Range[r], ksN], ks1 = Partition[Range[r], 1]}, MapThread[ Complement[Append[#1, #2], (Sequence @@ {#1} & ) /@ Partition[#2, 1]] & , {Array[ks1 & , Length[ ks]], ks}]] fHierarchy[r_] := Module[{ksN = 2}, While[ksN < r + 1, s = fLPartition[ksN, r]; ksN = ksN + 1; Print[s]]] Timing[fLPartition[3, 80]; ] {11.389999999999999*Second, Null} MaxMemoryUsed[] 233956264 Quit wantCombinations (* this loads my cominations function definition *) ClearAll[mine] mine[k_, n_] := (Join[List /@ Complement[ Range[n], #1], {#1}] & ) /@ combinations[Range[n], {k}] Timing[mine[3, 80]; ] {6.734999999999999*Second, Null} MaxMemoryUsed[] 195828264 However, I would change the storage structure to replace {{1},{2},...,{7}} with just {1,2,...7}. That cuts memory usage by 85% from your method for this example: Quit wantCombinations ClearAll[mySecond] mySecond[k_, n_] := (Join[Complement[Range[n], #1], {#1}] & ) /@ combinations[Range[n], {k}] Timing[mySecond[3, 80]; ] {2.922*Second, Null} (* versus 11.485 with your code, 6.7 with my other code *) MaxMemoryUsed[] 43996408 (* 44MB versus 234MB with your code, 196 MB with my other code *) Those comparisons include memory used during code execution; byte counts for that example are 134,742,424 for my storage method and 287,560,024 for yours. If you sometimes have to have a partition in your format, its easy enough to temporarily convert it from mine with the following function: f = Join[List /@ Drop[#1,-1], {Last[#1]}] & ; First[mySecond[2, 10]] f[%] {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, {1, 2}} {{3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {1, 2}} First[fLPartition[2, 10]] {{3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {1, 2}} Bobby Treat -----Original Message----- From: Emilio Martin-Serrano [mailto:EMartinSerrano at] To: mathgroup at Subject: [mg36531] [mg36511] Getting hierarchies of partitions (correction & continue) Group, Sorry for the previous posting. The following solves (to some extent my problem) <<DiscreteMath`Combinatorica` fLPartition[ksN_,r_]:=With[{ks=KSubsets[Range[r],ksN],ks1=Partition[Rang e[r],1]},MapThread[Complement[Append[#1,#2],(Sequence@@{#}&/@Partition[# 2,1])]&,{Array[ks1&,Length[ks]],ks}]] fHierarchy[r_]:=Module[{ksN=2},While [ksN<(r+1),s=fLPartition[ksN,r];ksN=ksN+1;Print[s]]] fHierarchy[10], gives the structure for 10 elements, and so on. However, I do not like this solution since to my taste is to complex and rather inelegant. Nest or Fold would do better. Any Idea? Just an additional remark. Besides, I do not need the whole taxonomy, but a subset satisfying a minimizing condition on connectivity implied by some relationships among the elements. This condition is satisfied by one and only one element, or class of equivalence in each level of the hierarchy. So it is that very class which matter and consequently the procedure should give control on each class as the total structure is being generated. Once it is known which class satisfies the condition it is possible to avoid generating the whole structure and the subsequent combinatorial explosion. With just fHierarchy[100] a Dell Latitude, 1 GH, 256 MB RAM runs out of memory. This an addition to the previous posting In fact, the thing is even worst. These are the CPU times for the following computations times1=First[Timing[fLPartition[3,10];]]/. Second->1 0.02 times2=First[Timing[fLPartition[3,20];]]/. Second->1 0.18 times3=First[Timing[fLPartition[3,30];]]/. Second->1 0.701 times4=First[Timing[fLPartition[3,40];]]/. Second->1 1.913 times5=First[Timing[fLPartition[3,50];]]/. Second->1 4.236 times6=First[Timing[fLPartition[3,60];]]/. Second->1 8.222 times7=First[Timing[fLPartition[3,70];]]/. Second->1 14.39 times8=First[Timing[fLPartition[3,80];]]/. Second->1 23.563 So far so good. But for times9=First[Timing[fLPartition[3,90];]]/. Second->1 The computation does not always end. Some times it ends some times it does not (I aborted the process four times after 1 hour of computing and running out of, 2Gbites of, virtual memory) Emilio Martin-Serrano ___________________________________ Emilio Martin-Serrano Schlumberger Oil & Gas Business Consulting Principal 1325 South Dairy Ashford Road Houston, TX 77077 Tel. +1 (281) 285 1223 Fax +1 (281) 285 1626