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Re: Programming an Infinite Sum

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg43338] Re: [mg43278] Programming an Infinite Sum
  • From: Dr Bob <drbob at>
  • Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 04:10:49 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <> <>
  • Reply-to: drbob at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I've forgotten what your problem was, so let me find that... ah!  Here it 

The term and sum functions are recursive, and there's a default limit on 
how far back you can recurse.  A simple solution, if you want sum[8000], is 
to first compute the terms before that (at least, far enough to prevent the 
error).  To facilitate experiments, first isolate the definitions:

define := (
    ClearAll[term, sum];
    term[3] = 2/5;
    term[n_Integer] /; n > 3 := term[n] = term[n - 1](Prime[n - 1] - 2) 
    term[n_] := term@Round@n;
    sum[3] = term[3];
    sum[n_Integer] /; n > 3 := sum[n] = sum[n - 1] + N@term[n];
    sum[n_] := sum@Round@n)

This will give the recursion error:


but this will not:

Last[sum /@ Range[3, 4096]]


sum /@ Range[3, 4096, 128]; sum[4096]

The intermediate sums have to be calculated anyway, so there's not a lot of 
time wasted in doing it this way.  The following is one way to make it an 
invisible process for 'term', if the first term asked for has n < 10,291.  
(I'm not sure why that's the limit in this case.)

defineTerm := (
    term[3] = 2/5;
    term[n_Integer] /; n > 255 :=
      (term[n - 128]; term[n] = term[n - 1](Prime[n - 1] - 2)/Prime[n]);
    term[n_Integer] /; 256 > n > 3 :=
      term[n] = term[n - 1](Prime[n - 1] - 2)/Prime[n];
    term[n_] := term@Round@n)

term[10290] // N

Do similarly for 'sum', of course.


On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 09:04:04 -0700, Allan Haley <ashaley at> wrote:

> Thanks, Dr. Bob, for your programming expertise, and first attempts to 
> test convergence/divergence using the plotting features.  I had just 
> about given up trying to manipulate i's, j's and k's to reproduce the 
> recursive product when I wrote the group.  Your completely different 
> approach makes me appreciate how much I still have to learn about how to 
> use Mathematica.
> I notice (on my machine) that I now get an error when I try to get the 
> formula to spit out the nth sum, such as sum[8000].  It says that the 
> reiteration limit of 4096 has been exceeded, and gives me an output in 
> terms of "HoldSum" etc.  Can you tell me what is happening?  Is there a 
> workaround?
> (Only if you have time and inclination, of course.)  Thanks very much for 
> what you did.
> Allan Haley

majort at
Bobby R. Treat

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