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Messages loading Combinatorica and mathStatica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg39229] Messages loading Combinatorica and mathStatica
  • From: Emilio Martin-Serrano <EMartinSerrano at>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 02:23:36 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi group:

When loading Combinatorica with <<Discrete` Combinatorica`;  I get the 
following warnings:

Edges::"shdw": "Symbol \!\(\"Edges\"\) appears in multiple contexts \
\!\({\"DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`\", \"Geometry`Polytopes`\"}\); definitions \
in context \!\(\"DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`\"\) may shadow or be shadowed by \
other definitions."
Star::"shdw": "Symbol \!\(\"Star\"\) appears in multiple contexts \
\!\({\"DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`\", \"Graphics`MultipleListPlot`\"}\); \
definitions in context \!\(\"DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`\"\) may shadow or be \
shadowed by other definitions."
Vertices::"shdw": "Symbol \!\(\"Vertices\"\) appears in multiple contexts \
\!\({\"DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`\", \"Geometry`Polytopes`\"}\); definitions \
in context \!\(\"DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`\"\) may shadow or be shadowed by \
other definitions."

And when loading mathStatica with <<mathStatica.m; I get the following

Grad::"shdw": "Symbol \!\(\"Grad\"\) appears in multiple contexts \!\(\
\[LeftSkeleton] 1 \[RightSkeleton]\); definitions in context \
\!\(\"mathStatica`Code`mScode`\"\) may shadow or be shadowed by other \
Hessian::"shdw": "Symbol \!\(\"Hessian\"\) appears in multiple contexts \!\({\
\"mathStatica`Code`mScode`\", \"Personal`PVectorCalculus`\"}\); definitions \
in context \!\(\"mathStatica`Code`mScode`\"\) may shadow or be shadowed by \
other definitions."
M::"shdw": "Symbol \!\(\"M\"\) appears in multiple contexts \
\!\({\"mathStatica`Code`mScode`\", \"DiscreteMath`Combinatorica`\"}\); \
definitions in context \!\(\"mathStatica`Code`mScode`\"\) may shadow or be \
shadowed by other definitions."

Please, any help on how to solve it?  There are not any other explicit 
packages loaded  but I have the following in autoload -> Calculus, 
Graphics, Statistics, and Personal (this with some private utilities).


Emilio Martin-Serrano


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