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Re: triangles

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg39285] Re: triangles
  • From: "Peltio" <peltio at>
  • Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 04:50:39 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <b1ag0j$ph6$>
  • Reply-to: "Peltio" <peltioNOSP at>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

"Karen A. Wilk" ha scritto

>Hi!  Does anyone know what two 2-dimensional triangles multiplied
>together look like?

Has this something to do with fuzzy logic?
Just wondering.
Here are a few piecewise linear constructors (they were intended for
membership functions, that's what the MF stands for):

GammaShapedMF[x_, a_, b_] :=
    Which[x<=a, 0, a <x< b, 1+(x-b)/(b-a),x>=b, 1]
LShapedMF[x_, a_, b_] :=
    Which[x<=a, 1, a<x<b, 1-(x-a)/(b-a), x>=b, 0]
PiShapedMF[x_, a_, c1_, c2_, b_] :=
    Min[GammaShapedMF[x, a, c1], LShapedMF[x, c2, b]]
DeltaShapedMF[x_, a_, c_, b_] :=
    Min[GammaShapedMF[x, a, c], LShapedMF[x, c, b]]

Once you defined your triangular functions by means of a Which statement,


and once you chose the algebraic multiplication as the operator that
multiplies them together, I suppose that by plotting the function


you'll find a cute pyramid. Here's a plot with a color function I like

    LimitedGrayLevel[x_, maxBk_:0.3, maxWh_:0.90] :=
        GrayLevel[maxBk + x(maxWh - maxBk)]
    FuzzyGray[x_] := LimitedGrayLevel[1 - x, 0, .9]

    Plot3D[ f[x,y], {x,0,8}, {y,0,8},
        PlotPoints->25, BoxRatios->{1,1,1},
        ColorFunction->FuzzyGray, PlotRange->All ]

Sigmoidal and gaussian MF make better plots, though : )

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