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Re: Compile message suppression

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg39334] Re: [mg39294] Compile message suppression
  • From: Omega Consulting <info at>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 04:47:16 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 03:52 AM 2/9/2003, Y.A.Tesiram wrote:
>Dear Mathgroup,
>I have a function defined as
>f = Compile[{{arg1, _Real, 2}, {arg2, _Real}, {arg3, _Real}, Module[ {},
>and I want to use a a non-Real assignment to arg2 called x, Mathematica
>correctly returns a warning message saying that assignment x should be a
>real, but it still returns the correct symbolic expression for f. How do I
>turn the message off or better still  how can I handle this sort of
>assignment a little more thoroughly inside Compile?

You can turn the message off with the Off command.


However, there is more than one type of error that can occur. A better 
method might be to error check with function overloading.

If the arguments are of the right type, use the compiled function.

RealQ[x_] := MatchQ[x, _Real]

f2[arg1_/;MatrixQ[arg1, RealQ], arg2_Real, arg3_Real] :=
   f[arg1, arg2, arg3]

Otherwise, use the uncompiled function.

f2[arg1_, arg2_, arg3_] :=

Omega Consulting
"The final answer to your Mathematica needs"

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