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Porting Mathematica graphics to MicroSoft Point, with quality

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg39432] Porting Mathematica graphics to MicroSoft Point, with quality
  • From: liu at (Xiangdong Liu)
  • Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 03:26:37 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Virginia Tech
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I asked a question about how to control thickness of curves drawn with
ParametricPlot3D yesterday, and several experts responded to me.  Thank
you all.

Now I have another question about using Mathematica in a Windows

I plot 2D and 3D graphics that have many details.  When Mathematica
displays these plots on a monitor, the curves are not very smooth and
exhibit stair-step patterns.  I attribute this to the relatively low
absolute resolution of the monitor.  At 1600 pixel horizontal resolution
on a 21 inch monitor, the abs resolution is about 100 dpi.  Indeed, when
I print the plots from Mathematica (which must in turn call some Windows
functions or templates) to a 600 dpi printer, the plots look much
smoother and sharper.

But if I copy and paste the Mathematica graphics to PowerPoint, the
graphics look not even as good as in Mathematica.  And when I print the
PowerPoint document on the same 600 dpi printer, the graphics look just
as bad as in PowerPoint.  I tried "Paste" and all options under  "Paste
Special".  None achieves as good quality as I see with printing directly
from within Mathematica.  I also tried saving the graphics as picture
files (bitmap) from within Mathematica and then "Insert" the pictures
from PowerPoint.  Still see poor quality.

I remember using Tex and LaTex to write document in the past.  I would
save Mathematica graphics as eps files and then link them in to Tex or
LaTex.  The quality of the graphics, when printed, look good.
PowerPoint, on the other hand, does not seem to read the eps files
generated by Mathematica.

So, what's the proper way of porting Mathematica graphics to PowerPoint
(or any other MS Office software) to fully utilize the printer

Sorry for the long post.

Xiangdong Liu

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