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Re: RE: RE: Multiplelistplot question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg38787] Re: [mg38770] RE: [mg38759] RE: [mg38746] Multiplelistplot question
  • From: Omega Consulting <info at>
  • Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 06:17:17 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

The trick to writing an ErrorBarFunction is that you write the function for 
the most general form:

ErrorBar[{xneg_, xpos_}, {yneg_, ypos_}]

All other forms of ErrorBars are converted to this form before applying the 
ErrorBarFunction. If you write a function for one of the other forms, then 
you will get errors. So instead you want the function,

myerrorbar[{x_, y_}, ErrorBar[{0, 0}, {yminus_, yplus_}]] :=
     {Red, Line[{{x, y + yminus}, {x, y + yplus}}]}

or more generally

myerrorbar[{x_, y_}, ErrorBar[{xminus_, xplus_}, {yminus_, yplus_}]] :=
     {Red, Line[{{x, y + yminus}, {x, y + yplus}}], Line[{{x + xminus, y}, 
{x + xplus, y}}]}

Omega Consulting
"The final answer to your Mathematica needs"

At 03:33 AM 1/10/2003, David Park wrote:
>Although the MultipleListPlot package has some nice functions in it like
>Symbol and MakeSymbol, I always find the standard paradigm difficult to use.
>It is often easier to deal directly with graphics primitives.
>Here is an example.
>This makes some sample data...
>data =
>     Module[{y},
>       Table[{{x, y = x + 0.5 + 5Random[Real, {-0.1, 0.1}]},
>           ErrorBar[3{-Random[Real, {0.3, 1}], Random[Real, {0.3, 1}]}]}, {x,
>           1, 15}]];
>The way to put a style into the error bars should be to use the
>ErrorBarFunction option. But, although the example in the Help works, I
>could not make an ErrorBarFunction that worked for this case. (After
>spending an hour or so.) Perhaps I am making a silly error and someone will
>point out how to do it, but in the meantime I suspect there is a bug in the
>myerrorbar[p_, ErrorBar[{yminus_, yplus_}]] :=
>   Module[{x, y},
>     {x, y} = p;
>     {Red, Line[{{x, y + yminus}, {x, y + yplus}}]}]
>MultipleListPlot[data, ErrorBarFunction -> myerrorbar];
>does not work and gives multiple errors.
>So I fell back on using simple graphics primitives.
>data2 = data /. {p_, ErrorBar[{yminus_, yplus_}]} :>
>         Module[{x, y},
>           {x, y} = p;
>           {Point[p], {Red, Line[{{x, y + yminus}, {x, y + yplus}}]}}];
>       {AbsolutePointSize[4],
>         data2}],
>     Frame -> True,
>     PlotLabel -> "Error Bars with Style",
>     ImageSize -> 450];
>I made simple red lines for the error bars, but one could make them as fancy
>as one wants.
>David Park
>djmp at
>From: SEPULVEDA,ARIEL (HP-PuertoRico,ex1)
To: mathgroup at
>To: mathgroup at
>[mailto:ariel.sepulveda at]
>For the axes labels you can use StyleForm or Default font comands.  For the
>thickness and color of error bars I also have the same question!
>From: Flurchick, Kenneth M [mailto:FLURCHICKK at MAIL.ECU.EDU]
To: mathgroup at
>To: mathgroup at
>I am having trouble figuring out how to change the color and thickness of
>ErrorBars.  Can anyone help me with this problem?  ALso, how do you change
>the font and font size of an AxesLabel?
>Thank you much for any suggestions.

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