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Re: Why is Mathematica incredible slow?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg38900] Re: Why is Mathematica incredible slow?
  • From: "Carl K. Woll" <carlw at>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 00:38:14 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: University of Washington
  • References: <b00ras$plt$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I took a brief look at your problem, and I have a couple comments. I agree
that there is no reason that FindRoot should be slower in Mathematica than
in any other program, as the functionality of FindRoot is not complex.

First, I couldn't get your function Probit to work with your data set. I
have not tried to figure out the problem here.

Second, and more importantly, your Probit function uses the nongradient form
of FindRoot, since it provides two starting points for each variable instead
of just one. With two starting points for each variable, FindRoot will not
try to evaluate the gradient, and will instead use a root finding technique
which does not rely on gradient information. Of course, using FindRoot
without gradient information is much slower than using FindRoot with
gradient information, and I believe this is the root of your problem.

I'm guessing that you used the two starting point, nongradient form of
FindRoot because Mathematica is unable to find the gradient of your function
by itself, and so Mathematica returned an error when you tried using
FindRoot with only one starting point. However, when using the two starting
point, nongradient form of FindRoot, gradient information is not needed, so
supplying a gradient to FindRoot does nothing. Try supplying a gradient
while using only one starting point for each variable.

Carl Woll
Physics Dept
U of Washington

"Johannes Ludsteck" <johannes.ludsteck at> wrote in
message news:b00ras$plt$1 at
> Der MathGroup members,
> I want to find a maximum likelihood estimator using FindRoot.
> Since the problem seems not be related to specialities of the
> estimation procedure, I report it here.
> I know that the maximand is globally concave. Therefore, the
> maximum can be found be searching the root of the gradient of
> the maximand.
> The problem is that Mathematica is slower by a factor of 20-
> 100 than other comparable packages, though
> the maximand is compiled and I provide the gradient. An even
> more amazing finding is that providing the (compiled) Jacobian
> makes the algorithm even slower that using the default version
> or QuasiNewton.
> By the way: Searching for the Maximum of the maximand with
> FindfMinimum is much slower, even if I provide the gradient
> function. Find my code below if you are interested in the
> details or want to play around with it.
> My questions:
> [1] Why are FindMinimum and FindRoot so slow. If I compare the
> Timings of other number crunching functions, e.g.
> Inverse with the corresponding ones in Gauss and Stata, I find
> only small differences.
> [2] Are there any clear inefficiencies in my code below?
> Here is the Gradient function:
> LogLikGrad[y_, x_, b_] :=
>   With[{s = Map[If[# == 1, 1, \(-1\)] &, y],
>         d = NormalDistribution[0. , 1. ]},
>     Tr /@ Transpose[s (PDF[d, #]/CDF[d, #]) x &[s x . b]]]
> I do not add the compiled version of LogLikGrad, since it does
> not speed up things considerably and is more complex.
> and here is the estimation function:
> Probit[y_,x_,bStart_]:=With[
>   {b0=If[#==0.0,{-0.1,0.1},{0.9,#,1.1,#}]&/@bStart},
>     #1/.FindRoot[LogLikGrad[y,x,#1],
>          ##2,Compiled->False]&[
>           #,Sequence@@Transpose[{#,b0}]]&[
>              Table[Unique[],{Length[b0]}]]]
> Probit[y_,x_]:=Probit[y,x,Table[0.0,{Dimensions[x][[2]]}]]
> In case you want to play around with the stuff, here are data
> generation commands and a call to Probit:
> <<Statistics`ContinuousDistributions`;
> x=Table[2(Random[]-0.5),{10000},{5}];
> b={0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5};
> y=Map[If[#>0,1,0]&, x.b+
> Table[Random[NormalDistribution[0,1]],{Length[x]}]];
> Probit[y,x]
> In case you are interested in having a look at the jacobian,
> here it is:
> pdf =  Function[{x},
>         Exp[-(x\^2/2]/Sqrt[2 \[Pi]];
> cdf = Function[{x}, 0.5 (1. + Erf[x/2])];
> SetAttributes[pdf, Listable];
> SetAttributes[cdf, Listable];
> \!\(LogLikJacC =
>     Compile[{{y, _Integer, 1}, {x, _Real, 2}, {b, _Real, 1}},
>       Module[{s =
>             Map[If[# \[Equal] 1, 1, \(-1\)] &, y]},
> \[IndentingNewLine]Apply[
>           Plus, \(-Map[Outer[Times, #, #] &,
>                 x]\)*\((\(\(\(pdf[#] cdf[#]\
> #\)\(+\)\(pdf[#]\^2\)\(\ \
> \)\)\/cdf[#]\^2\  &\)[s\ x . b])\)]],
> \[IndentingNewLine]{{pdf[_], _Real,
>           1}, {cdf[_], _Real, 1}, {s, _Integer, 1}}]\)
> Best regards,
> Johannes Ludsteck
> <><><><><><><><><><><><>
> Johannes Ludsteck
> Economics Department
> University of Regensburg
> Universitaetsstrasse 31
> 93053 Regensburg
> Phone +49/0941/943-2741

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