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Re: spinning/rotating object with shadow

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg38947] Re: spinning/rotating object with shadow
  • From: Jens-Peer Kuska <kuska at>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 07:39:19 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Universitaet Leipzig
  • References: <b0g2ah$mrt$>
  • Reply-to: kuska at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


a) computing the true shadows of the 3 light sources
would requite the construction of the shadow volumes
and take an half hour per frame

b) fake a single shadow is easy with


toShadow[gray_?MatrixQ, {x1_, x2_}, {y1_, y2_}, z_] :=
  Module[{n, m, dx, dy, points, cgraph},
    {m, n} = Dimensions[gray];
    dx = (x2 - x1)/(n);
    dy = (y2 - y1)/(m);
    points = Table[{x1 + dx*i, y1 + dy*j, z}, {j, 0, m}, {i, 0, n}];
    poly = 
      Drop [#, -1] & /@ 
        Drop[Transpose[{points, RotateRight[points], 
              RotateLeft /@ RotateRight[points], RotateLeft /@ points},
{3, 1,
               2}], -1];
    {EdgeForm[], Transpose[{Map[SurfaceColor[GrayLevel[#]] &, gray,
          Map[Polygon, poly, {2}]}, {3, 1, 2}]}

makeShadow[t_, opts___?OptionQ] :=
    sh = DensityPlot[
        1 - Exp[-(3 + Sin[t/2])*(x^2 + y^2)], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, 
        DisplayFunction -> Identity, opts];
    toShadow[sh[[1]], {-2, 2}, {-2, 2}, -2]

obj = Table[RotateShape[Icosahedron[], t, t/2, t/3], {t, 0, 8, 1/10}];

    Show[Graphics3D[{makeShadow[First[#2], PlotPoints -> 30], #1}, 
          Boxed -> False, PlotRange -> {{-2, 2}, {-2, 2}, {-2, 2}}]] &,

but that is *not* the shadow that the three colored light sources would
produce -- that would be much more expensive.

If some one else would like to have (hard) shadows I can include it into
MathGL3d -- just send a mail about it to me.


Selwyn Hollis wrote:
> I'm interestied in using Mathematica to do something similar to this:
> Does anyone have a guess at what kind of rotation is being used?
> And how one might get a similar shadow effect? (Without resorting to a
> different rendering engine.)
> Thanks,
> Selwyn

From: "Wolf, Hartmut" <Hartmut.Wolf at>
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg38947] RE: [mg38909] Prefix[f[x]], why is it not working

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ashraf El Ansary [mailto:Elansary at]
To: mathgroup at
>Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 6:39 AM
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: [mg38947] [mg38909] Prefix[f[x]], why is it not working
>Hi all,
>Does anyone why f@a_=2 a gives a proper answer for f[1]
>and not in the case of Prefix[s[a_]]= 2 a eventhough that 
>f@a_=2 a
>2 a
>Prefix[s[a_]]=2 a
>Set::write: Tag Prefix in s@a_ is Protected.
>2 a


the question is: what behaviour did you expect? An answer to that might
solve your problem.

First, Prefix[s[a_]] is *not* the same as f@a_  

In[1]:= f@a_ := 2 a
In[2]:= ?f
        f[a_] := 2 a

In[3]:= f[1]
Out[3]= 2 

Compare this to 

In[4]:= Prefix[s[a_]]
Out[4]= s@a_

In[5]:= % // FullForm
        Prefix[s[Pattern[a, Blank[]]]]

So Prefix is a wrapper for printing purposes (only). Such you cannot make
definitions for it (as it is protected), but also, it is a special form not
submitted to the standard evaluation sequence, see:

In[7]:= Prefix[s[aaa___]] ^= s[aaa]
Out[7]= s[aaa]

In[8]:= s[a_] := 2 a
In[9]:= ?s
        Prefix[s[aaa___]] ^= s[aaa]
        s[a_] := 2 a

In[10]:= Prefix[s[2]]
Out[10]= Prefix[4]

So even Upvalues won't work. You may however do

In[12]:= Prefix[Unevaluated[s[2]]]
Out[12]= 4

The very question, however, is whether this is what you intended, or say,
what did you want to achieve at all? 

Hartmut Wolf

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