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RE: Re: nth differences

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg39908] RE: [mg39878] Re: [mg39852] nth differences
  • From: "Wolf, Hartmut" <Hartmut.Wolf at>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 02:36:51 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


the timing advantage seems to depend on the data type of (packed) arrays,

In[1]:= t = Table[Random[Integer, {1, #}], {#}] &[1000];

NestList[ListConvolve[{1, -1}, #] &, #, Length[#]] &[t]; // Timing
Out[2]= {10.575 Second, Null}

NestList[Rest[# - RotateRight[#]] &, #, Length[#]] &[t]; // Timing
Out[3]= {5.828 Second, Null}

t2 = Table[Random[Integer, {1, #}], {#}] &[1000000];

In[14]:= ListConvolve[{1, -1}, #] &[t2]; // Timing
Out[14]= {0.641 Second, Null}

In[15]:= Rest[# - RotateRight[#]] &[t2]; // Timing
Out[15]= {0.45 Second, Null}


In[7]:= r = Table[Random[], {#}] &[1000];
NestList[ListConvolve[{1, -1}, #] &, #, Length[#]] &[r]; // Timing
Out[8]= {0.541 Second, Null}

In[9]:= NestList[Rest[# - RotateRight[#]] &, #, Length[#]] &[r]; // Timing
Out[9]= {0.921 Second, Null}

In[10]:= r2 = Table[Random[], {#}] &[1000000];

In[11]:= ListConvolve[{1, -1}, #] &[r2]; // Timing
Out[11]= {0.521 Second, Null}

In[12]:= Rest[# - RotateRight[#]] &[r2]; // Timing
Out[12]= {0.671 Second, Null}

For unpacked arrays ListConvolve seems always to be in favor:

In[20]:= Developer`PackedArrayQ /@ {t, t2, r, r2}
Out[20]= {True, True, True, True}
{ut, ut2, ur, ur2} = Developer`FromPackedArray /@ {t, t2, r, r2};
In[22]:= ListConvolve[{1, -1}, #] &[ut2]; // Timing
Out[22]= {1.082 Second, Null}

In[23]:= Rest[# - RotateRight[#]] &[ut2]; // Timing
Out[23]= {2.884 Second, Null}

In[25]:= ListConvolve[{1, -1}, #] &[ur2]; // Timing
Out[25]= {1.262 Second, Null}

In[26]:= Rest[# - RotateRight[#]] &[ur2]; // Timing
Out[26]= {2.344 Second, Null} 

Hartmut Wolf

>-----Original Message-----
>From: BobHanlon at [mailto:BobHanlon at]
To: mathgroup at
>Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 11:31 AM
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: [mg39908] [mg39878] Re: [mg39852] nth differences
>In a message dated 3/8/03 10:44:12 AM, writes:
>> In a message dated 3/8/03 3:35:44 AM, 
>_NOzturnerSPAM_ at writes:
>> Say I have a list of k integers and I want to produce a list 
>containing the
>> first differences?  For example, given {1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9} the first
>> differences are {1, 3, 2, 1, 1}, and the second differences 
>are {2, -1, -1,
>> 0}, the third are {-3, 0, 1}, etc
>> v = {1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9};
>> Rest[v-RotateRight[v]]
>> {1,3,2,1,1}
>> nthDifference[v_List, n_Integer] :=
>>      Nest[Rest[#-RotateRight[#]]&,v,n] /;
>>        0   <= n <= Length[v];
>> nthDifferenceList[v_List, n_:Length[v]] :=
>>      NestList[Rest[#-RotateRight[#]]&,v,n] /;
>>        0 <= n <= Length[v] && IntegerQ[n];
>> nthDifference[v,3]
>> {-3,0,1}
>> nthDifferenceList[v,3]
>> {{1,2,5,7,8,9},{1,3,2,1,1},{2,-1,-1,0},{-3,0,1}}
>> nthDifferenceList[v]
>> {{1,2,5,7,8,9},{1,3,2,1,1},{2,-1,-1,0},{-3,0,1},{3,1},{-2},{}}
>> Bob Hanlon
>This shows a slightly faster method using listCorrelate
>nthDifference1[v_List, n_Integer] :=
>     Nest[Rest[#-RotateRight[#]]&,v,n] /;
>       0   <= n <= Length[v];
>nthDifferenceList1[v_List, n_:Length[v]] :=
>     NestList[Rest[#-RotateRight[#]]&,v,n] /;
>       0 <= n <= Length[v] && IntegerQ[n];
>nthDifference2[v_List, n_Integer] :=
>     Nest[ListCorrelate[{-1,1},#]&,v,n] /;
>       0   <= n <= Length[v];
>nthDifferenceList2[v_List, n_:Length[v]] :=
>     NestList[ListCorrelate[{-1,1},#]&,v,n] /;
>       0 <= n <= Length[v] && IntegerQ[n];
>v = Table[Random[], {100000}];
>d1 = nthDifferenceList1[v];//Timing
>{0.38 Second,Null}
>d2 = nthDifferenceList2[v];//Timing
>{0.28 Second,Null}
>Bob Hanlon

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