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Re: Power series solution to differential equations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg41606] Re: Power series solution to differential equations
  • From: "Peltio" <peltio at>
  • Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 04:57:35 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <basnpa$kpe$>
  • Reply-to: "Peltio" <peltioNOSP at>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

"Dr. Wolfgang Hintze" wrote

>Given a differential equation of the form
    >diffeq = a[x] u''[x] + b[x] u'[x] + f[x, u[x]] == 0
>where ' means d/dx we assume that u[x] has a power series expansion
>about x0 of the form (t = x-x0)
    >u[t] = Sum[ c[k] t^(k+z) , {k, 0, Infinity }]
>We have to determine z and the coefficients c[k].
>Question: what is the best way to tackle this problem in Mathematica?
>Any hint is greatly appreciated.

You could let Mathematica solve the equation with the power method 'by
The package Summa.m (it somewhere in the mathsource, I think it has been
classified under "typesetting" : | ) can do this by using an object Summa
that looks like an ordinary Sum (the newer version - which I'll upload to
the mathsource as soon as I find a little bit of time to take care of it -
can switch on and off the evaluation of sums and is totally transparent to
the user). Anyway, here's how it works with one of the equations shown in
this thread


eq = (x + 1) y''[x] + y'[x] + x y[x] == 0;

We look for a solution in the form of power series. The function and its
derivatives are defined in terms of a Summa (version 2 of the package allows
for the use of Sum)

ys = Summa[ a[n] x^n, {n, 0, Infinity}];
y1s = DSum[ys, x];
y2s = DSum[y1s, x];

The equation becomes

eqs = eq /. {y[x] -> ys, y'[x] -> y1s, y''[x] -> y2s}

     (1 + x) Sum[( n-1) n x^(n-2) a[n], {n, 0, Infinity}] +
     Sum[n x^(n-1)a[n], {n, 0,Infinity}] +
     x Sum[x^n  a[n], {n, 0, Infinity}] == 0

Let's expand the products and bring the factors inside the sums, simplifying
the result:

eqs = ExpandSum[BringIn[eqs]];
eqs = AlignExponent[eqs, x, n -> n];
res = BreakSum[eqs, 1]//SimplifySum

    a[1] + 2 a[2] +
    Sum[x^n (a[n-1]+(n+1)((n+1)a[n+1]+(n+2)a[n+2])), {n,1,Infinity}] == 0

Now all we have to do is to apply the principle of identity of polynomials.
With a slight abuse of notation we suppress the Sum[_, it] structure

eqRicors = GetElement[res]

     a[1] + 2 a[2] +
     x^n (a[n-1]+(n+1)((n+1)a[n+1]+(n+2)a[n+2])) == 0

So that we can easily equate the coefficients of x^n and x^0 to zero,
solving for the unknown coefficients:

eq0=GetCoefficient[eqRicors[[1]], x,0]==0;
{ci} = Solve[eq0, a[2]]

     {{  a[2] -> -a[1]/2  }}

eqn=GetCoefficient[eqRicors[[1]], x^n]==0;
{cn} = Simplify[Solve[eqn, a[n+2]] /. n->n-2]

     {{  a[n] -> -(a[n-3]+(n-1)^2 a[n-1])/(n(n-1))  }}

A particular solution with a0 = 1 and a1 = 0 can be found by fiddling with
the recursion relation we have just found.

c[0] = 1;
c[1] = 0;
c[2] = -c[1]/2;
c[n_ /; n > 2] := c[n] = -((c[n - 1] (n - 1)^2 + c[n - 3])/((n - 1) n))

Table[c[k], {k, 0, 9}]


All in all, the method is not as elegant as the others already proposed, but
if you need a symbolic solution you can have mathematica do what you would
have done with paper and pencil. It could be used, I suppose, to tackle that
problem of yours with the symbolic value z that need to be determined.

(I said "I think" : )) )

Hope this helps,
Invalid address in reply-to. Crafty demunging required to mail me.

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