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Re: Package functionality moved to kernel

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg52588] Re: Package functionality moved to kernel
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnewsciv at>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 03:53:51 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 12/2/04 at 2:21 AM, phantom at (The Phantom) wrote:

>In the online help under the tab, "The Mathematica Book", type
>packages, then GO;

>You will see a topic, "functions moved to kernel, Appendix:
>Functions Moved to the Kernel"

>click this, and you will see some text suggesting that the package
>"LinearAlgebra`MatrixManipulation`" has had its functionality moved
>to the kernel in version 5.

>But if you start up Mathematica 5.1 without loading that package, a
>typical function from that package, such as TakeMatrix does not
>appear to be available.

>Has Wolfram failed to move the package functionality and just
>jumped the gun in telling us that it is moved, or am I doing
>something wrong?

This part of the documentation appears to be incorrect. Doing ?name where name is any of the functions in LinearAlegbra`MatrixManipulation` results in a Symbol not found error message when the package isn't loaded. Using the function SymbolsInContext (see Roman Maeder's book The Mathematica Programmer) and looking for symbols occuring in both System` and LinearAlegrbra`MatrixManipulation` yeilds a null set.

Also for the packages that have been superceded such as LinearAlgebra`Cholesky` generate an error message when loading them indicating they have been superceded.

The same remarks apply to Statistics`DescriptiveStatistics` which is also listed as being moved to the kernel.
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