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Re: JLink to remote kernel not possible?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg52622] Re: [mg52571] JLink to remote kernel not possible?
  • From: Zeno Crivelli <zenonez at>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 04:08:01 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <> <> <>
  • Reply-to: Zeno Crivelli <zenonez at>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

> The J/Link User Guide, in fact, has an example of how to do
> exactly what you want. Find the J/Link docs in the AddOns & Links tab of
> the Help Browser and look at the section Part 2: Writing Java Programs That
> Use Mathematica/Creating Links with MathLinkFactory. The example uses rsh
> instead of ssh and it is based on a Windows client, but it will be easy to
> modify for your needs.

thanks very much for your answer.
Of course, before posting the previous message, I had read the whole
J/Link User Guide, but without finding any hints.
I don't know if you (at Wolfram) have access to an internal-only and
updated documentation, but my Mathematica 5 documentation - in the
"2.5  Creating Links with MathLinkFactory" section you mentioned -
doesn't have ANY reference to the word "rsh" or "remote kernel".
The only line that "could" be useful (but it isn't) is the following:
// Typical "listen" link on any platform:
KernelLink ml = MathLinkFactory.createKernelLink("-linkmode listen
-linkname 1234 -linkprotocol tcp");
There's NO further explanation for that line, and I feel dumb, because
it doesn't say anything useful to me.
I mean, first of all, if that is a "listen" command I assume it should
be executed on the remote host, but then how do I connect to that
"listening kernel", I mean, which is the correct syntax I have to use
in my J/Link client? I promise you there's no mention of that in the
I think the Mathematica documentation is really well written and
exhaustive, but in that particular chapter I have the feeling that it
lacks some crucial information

Ok, I'll go look into the MathLink docs and try to get more info on
the createKernelLink API

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