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Re: Re: Mathematica slows down

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg53000] Re: [mg52964] Re: [mg52956] Mathematica slows down
  • From: DrBob <drbob at>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 06:14:46 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <>
  • Reply-to: drbob at
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Bob, I'm puzzled.

NumP = 15000;
   Table[pk[n] = Prime[n], {n, NumP}];
   For[k = 1, k â?¤ NumP, k++, Gap[1] = pk[k + 1] - pk[k];
     Gap[2] = pk[k + 2] - 2pk[k + 1] + pk[k];
     Gap[3] = pk[k + 3] - 3pk[k + 2] + 3pk[k + 1] - pk[k];
     Gap[4] = pk[k + 4] - 4pk[k + 3] + 6pk[k + 2] - 4pk[k + 1] + pk[k];
     If[Mod[k, 1000] == 0, Print[k]]]

(prints omitted)
{0.671 Second, Null}

Timing[k = 1; primes = Table[Prime[k + i], {i, 0, 4}];
   While[k â?¤ NumP, gaps = {{-1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, {1, -2, 1, 0, 0}, {-1, 3, -3,
    1, 0}, {1, -4, 6, -4, 1}}.primes;
     If[Mod[k, 1000] == 0, Print[gaps]];
     primes = Rest[Append[primes, Prime[k + 5]]]; k++]]

(prints omitted)
{0.156 Second, Null}

I'm puzzled that we get these huge speed-ups from eliminating redundant calls to Prime. The original code called it 14 times for each k, while these two solutions call Prime only once for each -- without significantly reducing other operation counts, or so it appears. Yet your code is 30 times faster and mine is 100 times faster (with the same number of calls to Prime). I'd expect us to get at most a 14-to-one speed increase, or thereabouts.


On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 03:59:37 -0500 (EST), Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at> wrote:

> I don't know what changes; however, you can speed it up by avoiding
> repeated calls of Prime for the same values
> NumP=15000;
> Table[pk[n]=Prime[n],{n,NumP}];
> For[k=1,k<NumP,k++,
>   Gap[1]=pk[k+1]-pk[k];
>   Gap[2]=pk[k+2]-2pk[k+1]+pk[k];
>   Gap[3]=pk[k+3]-3pk[k+2]+3pk[k+1]-pk[k];
>   Gap[4]=pk[k+4]-4pk[k+3]+6pk[k+2]-4pk[k+1]+pk[k];
>   If[Mod[k,1000]==0,Print[k]]]
> Bob Hanlon
>> From: George Szpiro <george at>
To: mathgroup at
> To: mathgroup at
>> Date: 2004/12/17 Fri AM 05:20:43 EST
>> To: mathgroup at
>> Subject: [mg53000] [mg52964] [mg52956] Mathematica slows down
>> Hello,
>> the following program runs ok for the first 6,000 iterations, then slows
>> down considerably, and then seems to speed up again after 10,000. Does
>> anyone know what is going on?
>> Thanks,
>> George
>> NumP=15000;
>> For[k=1,k<NumP,k++,
>>   Gap[1]=Prime[k+1]-Prime[k];
>>   Gap[2]=Prime[k+2]-2Prime[k+1]+Prime[k];
>>   Gap[3]=Prime[k+3]-3Prime[k+2]+3Prime[k+1]-Prime[k];
>>   Gap[4]=Prime[k+4]-4Prime[k+3]+6Prime[k+2]-4Prime[k+1]+Prime[k];
>>   If[Mod[k,1000]==0, Print[ k]]
>>   ]

DrBob at

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