MathGroup Archive 2004

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Forged postings to various newsgroups

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg53163] Forged postings to various newsgroups
  • From: "Steven M. Christensen" <steve at>
  • Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004 06:41:33 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Some of you who read the Mathematica newsgroup via Google
will note that there are some posts that are not Mathematica
related and spam-like.

These messages did not come from me as moderator or any of
the people who post to the newsgroup.   There has been a recent
attack on many of the newsgroups called forged postings.
The attacker sends out messages that pretend to be approved from the
moderator when they are not.  There is nothing that I can do
about this and moderators of other newsgroups are in discussions
about this.  Generally, there is very little to do but ignore
the posts.   If a message you sent out gets forged postings attached
to it, you can contact the Google groups people at

and ask them to remove your entire post or just the forged parts.
As far as I know it is the policy of Google to allow only the
original poster to remove messages they posted or were incorrectly
posted with their name.  If you have any questions, email me.

Steve Christensen

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